House Updates

What’s good Rothwell! GiaLuan again!
The fact that it is already Week 5 and Term 2 concludes in just 4 weeks highlights how busy and action-packed this term has been! Term 2 started with the conclusion of Active April and although it wasn’t the outcome we had hoped for, cheers to all Rothwellians who logged in their hours and I’m truly amazed by the many of you who found the time to participate in physical activity every day and taking only 1 or 2 (or even none!) well-deserved rest days👏👏! That dedication can not be topped! Week 2 then had cross country and I’m very proud of those who participated for us. Huge props to those who made it to districts and those who have now made it to the next round. Good luck with the next stage, you got this💪!
One event that we continue to find success in is VCE Sports. Both the boys and girls made it into the finals for VCE Basketball!!! All the congratulations goes to the girls as they continue to assert their dominance over the houses, easily winning yet, another basketball match🏆! Unfortunately, the boys came short, but a finals appearance is still a huge feat. At least both teams made it further than the Lakers this season😁! Most recently, the House Art competition has just concluded and the art is currently being exhibited around the school. Coming from a guy who wishes he could draw but is told he can’t even draw stickmen properly, it is absolutely mind-boggling to me how talented the Rothwellian artists are and you should all be proud of the masterpieces you have made! Huge shout-outs to our Arts Captain Naz and Initiatives Captain Sid for leading our Arts team! Words won’t be able to express the effort you put into this event but the whole house appreciates the work you guys have put in!!! I hope the votes will satisfy your efforts and sway in the favour of Rothwell🦅!
The most important event however is coming up, so I hope everyone is ready for CHORALS! From the numerous extra hours our Chorals Captain Alonso and our chorals team have put in, to the fine lyrics posters Mr Kelly and Mr Sipala created and to the singing efforts in House Assembly, I am proud of the hard work that everyone has put in and I can’t wait to see what we have in show when Chorals comes! With Flag Football and VCE Sports continuing, House Chess and House Drama coming soon and Year 9&10 House Sports to conclude by the end of Term 3, everything is still to play for! As much as everyone is excited to win, we are heading into more ‘busy’ times so remember to pace and take care of yourselves. Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint, and last but not least, stay F2G (faithful to the grind)😉💪!!!
Yours truly,
GiaLuan Joaquin Tchen (R4), Rothwell House Captain
Hey Kororoit! It's us again!
What a hectic term it has been, we have had so many fun events like our staff vs students week (our favourite was the lip sync battle), mini house sport events like flag football and VCE basketball, our lovely house art being showcased all around the school during this ADT week and many more. ALSO, a very good job to all the kororoitians that participated in cross country; you guys smashed it. We also have some upcoming exciting events such as the Winter Concert and LOTE week.
Most importantly, CHORALS IS ALMOST HERE!! Can you believe how fast time has gone by while flying through our house assemblies and mini homegroup practices. Overall, there has been a great improvement in our amazing singing abilities and super loud house spirit. We are very proud of you guys, and also, very thankful for Joey - our Chorals Captain, for putting in loads and loads of hard work. It will soon pay off and we will be able to experience the beautiful outcome on the night of Chorals. Don’t forget to keep practising the lyrics and singing along with the song in the background or with your friends, we are soo close!
A wellbeing update: Our wellbeing captain is working hard with other leaders to create an upcoming well-being site to keep in check with all of us and support everyone. So keep an eye out on that for compass!
Also very exciting news: we are currently WINNING!! keep it up!
- Your favourite House Captains, Ishaan and Jewo
Hello Cottrell!
We’re already halfway through term 2 yet we’ve achieved so much!
Beginning with chorals, Cottrell’s progress has been absolutely outstanding (our singing brings tears to our teachers’ eyes!) and the SPIRIT IS SHINING!Your house captains are super proud of you all for the enthusiasm you have shown during rehearsals…it’s only a matter of time before we blow the school away for the competition! On that note, it’s no secret our small choir and small band are close to perfection, and our soloists are ready to knock it out of the park.
That being said, we can’t forget to celebrate our recent ACHIEVEMENTS!
CONGRATULATIONS to our junior and senior runners, earning their house a whopping 2nd place for Cross Country! It was a freezing cold day but that didn't stop our house spirit.
Moving on to VCE basketball, our girls team displayed fantastic sportspersonship and dedication as they took home a 2nd place win. Shout-out goes to these amazing athletes for their stellar performance!
Trisha Trivedi
Sofia Selimi
Lilliana Carroll
Mehwish Khan
Ksenia Yarshevich
Carol Danial
Simrah Ansari
Mehwish Khan
ENDING WITH A BANG - CONGRATULATIONS to every Cottrellian for our win in The Active April challenge! (and by a margin may we add) Such commitment and dedication over 30 days deserve recognition, so congratulations to these Cottrellians for the top 10!
Kent Khuu
Lilliana Carroll
Reehan Naeem
Ksenia Yarshevich
Aleeza Shaikh
Shantell Yip
Mubashshira Shafi
Ashlee Padilla
Adiba Khan
Ryan Pham
We look forward to what’s to come, particularly our House Drama competition (the participation is fabulous) and the House Art results (our pieces are masterpieces!)
We encourage you all to keep it up! And as always, do your best!
Carin Danial C8 Nathan Pham C8
Hey Blackwood Knights!!
Halfway through the term and we are travelling fantastically.
Our weekly Chorals rehearsals seem to only be improving with every lyric, led by our chorals Captain Izan. Mamma Mia and Lanterns have never sounded better, with our instrumentalists and small choirs working tirelessly to become the best versions of themselves. It is creeping ever closer and we can’t wait to see our brilliant house singing their hearts out to get us closer to the House Cup. It has been a crazy term for the house with Cross Country and VCE basketball, house art and a whole heap of awesome activities.
Big congratulations to our year 12 boys on the captivating victory and keep an eye out for the next big sport.
Aryius Alves B8 Sophie Parnham B7