Principal's Report
Week 5 Term 2 2023
Newsletter May 2023
The start of term 2 is always a busy time of year, as students step straight back into their semester 1 classes and a host of activities. Looking at the calendar at this time of year reminds me what a vibrant and diverse community we have here. Activities ranging from cross-country to student leaders meeting with their SEN counterparts, to the highly competitive staff vs student week filled the first few weeks back at school. These provide opportunities for students to step outside their comfort zone and develop their confidence outside the classroom. This exemplifies our goal to develop out students into well rounded individuals.
One of our key focuses this year is the development of The Arts in the school. Whilst we have long had a strong and vibrant music program, the other performing arts and the visual arts have not had the same degree of participation and profile across the school. The Arts are important to a society as they provide a medium for expression, for cultural appreciation and for personal improvement. We may not always be aware of it but The Arts shape our mood and change our perceptions about the world around us. To become well rounded individuals it is therefore important that students become knowledgeable about The Arts, as both consumers and producers of the media.
This week brings our new and improved House Art competition, shining a spotlight on the Visual Arts. This provides budding artists in the school to contribute to the house program in a more meaningful fashion with students having greater freedom in the style of art they produce. The theme for this year was ‘diversity’, with our young artists able to interpret that theme in any way they choose. This also provided an opportunity to celebrate the rich diversity of our student cohort. In this issue you can see images of the wonderful work they produced, I encourage you all to take a look through these images, appreciate their beauty, and consider the impact that this Art has upon you.