Years 10 - 12

Adrian Bratovic

VCE Level Leader

Year 10 - 12 Parent Information Evening - Monday 10 February 2020

The year for the senior part of the school has commenced in its usual flurry. On the evening of February 10, the College hosted an evening for parents of students in Years 10-12. After a short gathering outside the VCAL rooms, where light refreshments were served, the formalities were conducted in the auditorium.


There were a number of presentations made, with Ms Jane Goddard setting the scene, talking about the successful results obtained by the Year 12 Class of 2019, Ms Anne Daunt and Mr Adam Spinks informed the parents about the requirements and regulations associated with the VCE and VCAL programs and Ms Kerrie Williams addressed the revised Mobile Devices Policy. The focus then shifted to the guest speaker, a former student of Marian College, Anna Tiakanas, a Clinical Psychologist. Anna spoke about the stresses of being a senior student and how to cope with the pressures.


Overall, it was a very successful evening with many parents commenting on how informative and beneficial it was.