Student Wellbeing

Kerrie Williams

Assistant to the Principal - Student Wellbeing

Uniform Reminders

As we head towards the middle part of Term 1 we need to remind all students of the importance of wearing the correct uniform on the days they are supposed to.


We have a number of students who continue to wear their PE uniform even though they are not studying Health and PE or they are choosing to wear their PE uniform on days they do not have the subject. Year Level Leaders and Homeroom/Mentor teachers will be monitoring this closely over the next couple of weeks to ensure that all students are doing the right thing in relation to their uniform.

Can I also remind all families of the following expectations:

  • The summer dress needs to be at knee length
  • There is to be a minimal amount of jewelry worn. In particular only ONE earring in each ear lobe
  • Nail polish and any form of overlays for nails is not acceptable.


We thank all of our families for supporting the correct wearing of our school uniform and in the way that our students represent the College.


Mobile Device Update

We thank all of our students who have worked towards supporting our new mobile device procedures with particular focus before school and during recess and lunchtime.


We have continued to collect a small number of phones each day from those students who have not followed the expectations. They have had their phone removed until the end of the day.


We remind all of our families that we have taken this approach in an effort to give our students some down time to socialise with others during the down times from class.


We will continue to keep you updated with our progress with the change.


Investiture Assembly this Thursday

Thursday is an important day for all of our student leaders as we acknowledge them for taking on a leadership role in 2020.


This includes our Lamp Bearers, Student Representative Council, Student Participation Group, House Captains and our Social Justice Leaders.


Any parent who would like to attend on the day is more than welcome and we ask that you confirm your attendance by ringing the school office so that we can allocate seating.