Learning and Teaching

Jane Goddard

Assistant to the Principal - Learning and Teaching

Extra Classes, Tutorials and Homework Club

At Marian College, we have a strong focus on ensuring that each student is able to make at least one year’s progress in learning for every year at school. In many cases, we are able to report confidently that our students far exceed this goal. This year, to support student progress, we are pleased to be able to offer a range of extra classes, tutorials, homework clubs and revision sessions.

These include:

  • VCE and Years 7 - 10 Period 5 Maths Class - every Thursday 3.05 - 4.15 pm in the Ngali Building (Senior MacKillop and Kildara). Maths teachers will be on hand to teach lessons, provide tutorial support or revision, including exam practice. All year levels are welcome.
  • Year 7 - 12 Monday Afternoon Homework Club - every Monday from 3.05 - 4.00 pm in the Language Centre (Dante Room). All students are welcome to receive support with homework and organisation. Students can also have assistance in a range of subjects including English, all Humanities subjects, Religious Education and any other subjects where they would like support in reading and writing responses, paragraphs or essays.
  • VCE Period 4 Wednesday Extra Tutorial Support and Revision - VCE English and Maths Teachers are timetabled to take these sessions. The English sessions are most particularly for Year 12 students and Maths is for all Units 1 - 4 Mathematics Courses. Other teachers may also run extra classes or tutorials in this Period 4 session.  These take place in the classrooms downstairs in the Ngali Building.  
  • In addition, there is a wide range of other extra classes/tutorials/revision sessions that teachers are running at lunchtime and after school, particularly for VCE students. Additional sessions may be added during the year. 


The full schedule is available on the SEQTA Engage and Learn Welcome Pages. Please encourage students to take advantage of these extra opportunities to maximise their progress in 2020. 


Parent Engagement in Learning through SEQTA

In the last edition of Marian News, I wrote about the importance of parent engagement in student learning and the potential that it has to positively impact on a student’s learning progress. Since then, we have had the opportunity to work with a number of families at our series of SEQTA Engage Parent Workshops.


SEQTA is our Learning Management System with portals for parents, students and teachers. The parent portal is called SEQTA Engage and we would like to re-iterate the importance of accessing this portal regularly. This is where parents can see the lessons studied, home learning tasks set, assessment tasks, feedback, results and semester reports.


It is also an essential communication tool with the Welcome Page featuring important updates and links to the latest edition of Marian News and other important information. SEQTA Direqt Message, along with CareMonkey, is being used for important communication and updates. Furthermore, letters notifying of unsatisfactory assessment submissions, required re-sits, as well as behavioural detentions and attendance warning letters are being sent via SEQTA Messages.


Please note that there is also a SEQTA Engage App that can be downloaded from the iTunes or Android Store. We encourage all parent to utilise this app so that important notifications are not missed.


Year 7 to 10 Submission of Work Procedures

It is an expectation that students complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard by the due date. Please see the flow chart that outlines the processes on the SEQTA Submission of Work Portal Page. This flow chart is also displayed in all Year 7 – 10 classrooms. It is important to note that if work is not satisfactorily submitted, after the teacher has provided an opportunity to re-sit or re-submit, a student will be required to attend a compulsory re-sit/re-submission session on a Thursday afternoon until 4.00 pm.