Principal's Message

Raymond Pisani


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God of all cultures, God of all people,

help us not to label anyone inferior or second-class.

Help us overcome our attitudes of superiority and oppression.

May we broaden our vision and widen our tents

so that plurality and diversity determine who we are:

people called and committed to a world united

in justice and peace, now and forever.



Schools have a responsibility to offer as many different opportunities as possible for students to engage in. Opportunities that cater for the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing as well as fulfilling each person’s academic potential. As a Principal, I am privileged to witness many of these activities and the impact that they have on the growth of each individual and on the development of our Community.


It was a pleasure to spend three days with the Year 7 students on their recent camp at Marysville. It was evident that there was a fantastic spirit amongst the group and their participation was exemplary. The program for the camp was quite extensive and provided for all the students in one way or another. Whether it was challenging themselves to climb the rock wall or to encourage their team in the mini Olympics, each student is to be commended for the way that they gave everything a good go. The other pleasing aspect of the camp was the efforts of the Senior Sport & Recreation students who came along and put their in-class learnings to practical use. They were a supportive influence to the new students and they had an opportunity to exercise leadership skills in a small group setting. Thank you to Ms. Wilson, Mr Mogg and Ms O’Keeffe for the overall organisation of the camp and to all the staff who attended for providing this valuable experience.


There has been a great deal of activity with regards to student leadership at the College. Leadership positions have been open for application and students have prepared speeches to highlight what they believe they could add to the growth of the school. We are impressed with the commitment that students show in their particular passion or interest. One notable feature that has developed over time in this area is the increased level of collegiality between the students and the different groups that they lead especially in the social justice area. They are aware that raising awareness about a cause is just as important as fundraising. Educating for justice provides a lasting response and action to provide for the needs of the vulnerable. We congratulate all the student leaders and their supporters for the real accomplishments they are making.


Another area which is a hive of activity at the moment is in performing arts where organisation for the school production of “Legally Blonde” is in full swing. Students are excited about the possibility of being involved in some way whether on stage or backstage. This is another area where the commitment of all involved is at a high level and, ultimately, the goal is to provide entertainment of the highest quality. A significant by product is the mentorship of the senior students and they become role models for the junior students to emulate in the years to come. We wish them well in their preparations.


The above are only a small fraction of the many opportunities students are experiencing over the course of a week at the school. We have had an extremely positive start to the year and we thank parents and guardians for their continued support in the education of their daughters.