Junior School Update

This term we have hit the ground running in the Junior School team. As we farewelled Ms. Arnold, we welcomed Ms. Smith into the Engagement Leader role and Ms. Maxwell as Year 8 Coordinator.
Along with Ms. Smith and Ms. Maxwell, we are very lucky to have a strong team of coordinators in Mr. Acebron and Mr. Rees who have been actively leading their year levels with diligence and professionalism. Our united team is capped off by the excellent work of our admin support, Kiran Tibb, who has been following up with uniform, lateness, and general attendance.
This term our Years 7, 8 and 9 students have had many opportunities to link in with extracurricular activities including inter-school sports, The Alpine School, incursions, and most recently Spirit Week. We thank all our students for bringing great enthusiasm and vibrancy to life at Box Hill High School. It is these experiences that make our school buzz!
Year Level Assembly Focus
Each term our Year Level Coordinators present at our assemblies to talk at length about common themes and practices that we want to see in all students at Box Hill High School.
In Year 7, Mr. Acebron discussed Cyber Safety and presenting one’s best self to the online world. He also spoke about appropriate language to use, and how sometimes these words can be interpreted differently and misconstrued.
At Year 8, Ms. Smith spoke about the need for students to be an up-stander. An upstander is someone who sees what happens and intervenes, interrupts, or speaks up to stop the bullying. Strategies to be an up-stander include questioning the bullying behaviour, use humour to de-escalate situations, reach out privately to a student have a rough time, and report when necessary.
Mr. Rees presented on good habits that all Year 9 students need to work towards. Step 1 centred around deciding on the small stuff fist, as it is achievable and can help one gain momentum. Step 2 is ensuring you eat, knowing that if we nourish our bodies with the right foods, we are setting ourselves up for success. Lastly, Step 3 focused on ‘informing yourself’ – instead of reacting in the moment, take time to get well informed and search for answers independently.
Year 9 Morrisby
Morrisby is a Careers platform with all the research tools to help students discover the world of work, make good options decisions and choose pathways forward. After completing the extensive testing, student were booked into individual sessions where they were linked in to explore their results and unpack pathways moving forward. A special thanks to the Careers team for their organisation.
The Alpine School - This term we had six students enrol in the Alpine school, Ava W, Amiya C, Eliza P, Lachie W, Nate T, and Sam M. During Term 3, these students developed Community Learning Projects (CLP) as part of their School for Student Leadership Program. These CLPs relate to our school communities. Some pictures from the camp can be found below.
By Nicholas Barca
Year 7 Incursion – by Tehreem Humanyun
On the 28th of July, brave officers from Victorian Police presented a slideshow about Cyber Safety. They talked with all the Year 7s about the consequences of their internet actions and information about keeping ourselves protected from cyber bullies. Stories about some cases they worked were also shared, jokes were cracked, and everyone learned a lot about being safe on the web. The presentation was very informative and we thank all police officers for doing their best to teach us and keep Box Hill High School students safe.
Junior School Team