Senior School Update

This term has been full of fantastic opportunities for students as well as being especially busy in the lead up to exams. Our VCE students are entering their revision stage as Year 11s prepare for their exams and both Year 11s and 12s prepare for their final external exams as well as the GAT. It can be a very stressful time for students and the Senior Team are proud of how well they are tackling it – students are asking for help revising, looking out for each other and making use of the school’s Wellbeing facilities if they need additional support. We encourage any student feeling anxious about these assessments to speak with us – we’re here to help!
This term, Year 10 and 11 students each had a session with Brent Sanders, a respected figure and ex-policeman with many years’ experience in the field of sexual crime and consent. These sessions were designed to educate and remind students about the importance of respect and consent in sexual relationships, with a particular focus on the legalities. Students found the sessions relevant and commented that they felt glad to have a better understanding of what their rights are and the long-lasting impacts decisions can have.
Year 12s have had a very busy term with SACs and revision but have still had time for fun – they are planning their end of year celebrations and many students took part in Box Hill’s first ever Spirit Week. Special thanks to the House Captains (Year 11 and 12) for organizing events like the Spicy Noodle eating competition' (which I – Ms Longden – was roped into and barely survived!), 'Crazy Hair Day', goal kicking competitions (well done Thomas Audley and Ennis Kotsanlee who scored the most points and earned 60 points each for their houses!) and live music. Thank you to Ms Kertes for facilitating this week – we hope to see many more events in the future!
The Senior Team encourages all students to keep working hard and showing positive behaviour – you are role models for the younger students and demonstrating a good work ethic and morals is important not just at school but in the wider community. We thank so many of our students for your excellent behaviour this term and love chatting to you in the office or yard. Have a wonderful term break!
By Amy Longden
Senior School team