Music News

Term 2 ended with a Wonderful Winter Concert Series, held in the school hall on Tuesday and Wednesday of the final week of term. It was great to get back to performing and seeing the students have a wonderful experience. It's been a very busy start to Term 3 with Band Camp, Vocal Night and many VSMF performances over the term, finishing with the Spring Concert at Box Hill Town Hall.
Band Camp
The term began with the Concert Band Camp in the first week of term. The camp was hugely successful and the feedback from the students has been very positive. Students had the opportunity to prepare for the Victorian School Music Festival with many hours of rehearsals over the few days, participate in 3 activities, (Flying Fox, Laser Tag and low ropes) and participated in several night time activities, including Music Trivia (thanks to our wonderful Year 12 students for preparing such a great event), “get to know you games” (thanks Mr. Watson for running these) and the “Movie” themed dinner on the second night. It was fantastic to re-build our Music Community, some of which was lost due to lockdowns over the past 2 years.
Vocal Night
Thanks to Susanna Wailes for organising so many performances for the Vocal Night which took place on Thursday, 28th July. It was a great opportunity for Voice and Choir students to show their wares at the first Vocal Night since lockdowns began. The night also provided a great opportunity for the tech crew to get more experience in the field. They are certainly becoming a well-oiled machine.
It is VSMF season and it has been wonderful to see many of our ensembles perform already. The Intermediate Strings began their performances on July 25th July. This was a wonderful experience for our young string players. Thanks Tess for all of the work leading up to the performance. Unfortunately after many weeks of preparation, the Senior Strings had to cancel their performance, due to isolation rules but we will look ahead to the next performance with great anticipation. The Choir performed just down the road at the Salvation Army in Box Hill. A short 15 minute walk saw the ensemble arrive and perform a beautiful contrasting program. Thanks again to Ms. Wailes for her work preparing such a wonderful group of students. The Stage Band performed last Monday afternoon and did a wonderful job. The band should be very proud of their efforts as they obtained a Gold Standard performance. The Concert Band and Wind Symphony are due to perform this week. The Beginner Band and Junior Concert will be performing at the VSMF in November.
Jazz Night – 1st September
Congratulations to all involved in the Jazz Night last night. It was wonderful to see the students performing at Foundations Restaurant in Elgar Road at Box Hill Institute. The night saw performances from the Stage Band, Saxophone Ensemble, Senior Jazz Ensemble, Year 9 Rock Band and solos from Tsifira Jawahar, Reuben Strentz, Belle White and Brynn O'Dae. We also saw two fabulous staff items from Julio Acebron, Jacque Wong and Gianni Marinucci. Thanks to other staff members, Di Trengrove, Adam Watson, Grace De Blasio, Susanna Wailes for supporting the night and James Taylor for taking photos. Can't wait to see them. Congratulations Gianni Marinucci for organising a wonderful night's entertainment. We are looking forward to the next one already.
Year 12 “Music Performance” Night
All students who are completing Units 3 and 4 Music Performance presented their 25 minute programs at school at the end of the term. The performance was a chance for students to perform for family and friends before performing before examiners in Term 4. The best of luck to Reuben Strentz, Tristan Cunningham, Isabelle Nguyen, Jessica Tran, Aurelia Thian-De Wind, Jack Richardson, Daneel Hewitt, Kyrie Cheung and Joe Foley with their external assessments in Term 4.
State School Spectacular
Congratulations also to Reuben Strentz and Amy Gao for being a part of this year’s State School Spectacular. The Box Hill High School students were two of many talented music students who performed two concerts at Rod Laver Arena on Saturday, 10th September. Rehearsals began in March with students committing their Sundays to this amazing event. An amazing experience which they will surely benefit from in year’s to come.
Spring Concert – Box Hill Town Hall
The term finished with the Spring Concert at Box Hill Town Hall on Wednesday, 14th September. The concert featured all ensembles, solos and small group items. It was a wonderful night showing casing the talents of 210 music students and was a wonderful way to finish the term. Congratulations to all involved.
By Troy Rogers
Instrumental Music Coordinator