Arts Week

The first week of Term 3 was again Arts Week. This is when we celebrate the creative opportunities and achievements of our amazing students. Arts Week also serves to highlight the classroom experiences of both the Visual and Performing Arts. I never cease to be impressed by the creative talent of our Box Hill High School students and teachers.
For the first three days, the Visual Arts exhibition was on display at the back of the Hall. A selection of artworks from every Visual Art subject from Years 7 to 12 was displayed, including Art, 3D Art, Studio Art, VCD, Photography and, for the first time, Year 9 Design Tech. It was great to see so many parents come to visit on Tuesday after school. Scroll through the photo gallery below to view the our talented student's artwork.
Tuesday was the Music Department’s turn to shine. At lunch time in room H4, students were treated to solo and group performances from Years 9 and 12 students. It was so good to hear students performing. I was also impressed by how supportive and encouraging the students who came to watch were.
Wednesday gave an opportunity for the Drama students to be, well, dramatic. As is the tradition here at BHHS, students got to be part of Mafia Challenge at lunchtime in H1. Just like last year, it was led by senior Drama students. Thanks Bella White and Bethany Donahoe. You did an incredible job. Well done!
On Thursday, students were entertained in H2 by a selection of short films and animations produced by current and past senior Media students. It was yet another opportunity to enjoy the skills, talents and creativity of our students. They were so productive in fact, that there were enough works for a second screening the following Monday.
I would like to thank all the students who contributed to making Arts Week such a success. I also want to thank the Arts teachers for all their hard work in the weeks leading up to Arts Week: Ms Nevard, Ms Lockhart, Ms Brewer, Ms Buyks, Mr Chen, Mr Rogers, Ms Wong, Ms Longdon and Mr Tod.
By James Taylor
The Arts - Domain Leader