From the Deputy Principal

Albany Bicentenary 

Some weeks ago GSG was contacted by the City of Albany with an invitation for some of our students to take part in the Youth Symposium, looking at the development of events for Albany's Bicentenary in 2026.  Phwoar!  That seems like a VERY long time away!  But, as we gathered our representatives and heard all about the planning, it suddenly seems imminent.  


The Centenary is marking a moment in time when settlers first arrived on Menang land to establish what was, originally, Fredrickstown and is now Albany. Major Edmund Lockyer, on the Brig Amity arrived in 1826 and here we are, almost 200 years later, about to recognise the bicentenary of this event. Thanks to our student participants, Edward Baker, Eli Eaton, Jack Lange, Nyomi Johnson, Flora Rogers, Craig Wiech, Sophie Pearson, Edmund Toomey and Elza Mulder who represented us so well today, developing ideas and sharing with approximately 60 other participants.

It's amazing to think these students will be approaching the end of their schooling when 2026 rolls around. Thanks also Ms Kate Valleri who accompanied students and helped keep the creativity flowing this morning.  We will hear more about their hard work in coming weeks.

This is an exciting initiative with a strong focus on community engagement and I encourage you to get involved here Tell us your preferences for the Bicentenary Vision and Selections Criteria! | City of Albany Bicentenary | element Conversations (

Keeping safe

In line with recent government advice, wearing masks indoors is strongly encouraged. We ask that your child wears a mask at school to keep our school as safe as possible. A reminder that masks remain mandatory on public transport, this includes all school bus services, along with buses for school excursions. 


We ask for your support to explain to your child the importance of wearing a mask to reduce the risk of transmission in schools and the community. Parents can support GSG to be COVID-19 safe by: 

  • wearing a mask indoors when visiting the school;
  • ensuring your family stays up-to-date with COVID-19 and flu vaccines;
  • testing your child for COVID-19 if they have symptoms or are a household close contact;
  • keeping your child home if they are unwell; and,
  • maintaining good hand hygiene.

An additional allocation of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) is being provided to students (20 per student) which will be distributed this term.    In line with government directives, if your child is a close contact and does not have symptoms, they must return daily negative RATs to leave isolation and attend school, and must also wear a mask when outside their home (usual exemptions apply), as per the testing and isolation protocols.  Further information can be found here .  Close contacts who have symptoms should not attend school.  Please click here​ to read a cross-sectoral letter with further information. If you have any queries, please contact me.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal