This term our magnificent school is undergoing its four yearly review. This means that an external person comes in and with a small team, visits our school, looks at our data, speaks to parents, students and staff, visits classrooms, and helps us draft our next Strategic Plan.
As part of this process, the reviewer (Mr Branko Lukic) is running two Parent/Community sessions in the coming weeks (you only need to attend one):
Friday 5th August at 9am (meet at the General Office)
Thursday 11th August at 9am (meet at the General Office).
We would really value our community’s feedback on our strengths, weaknesses and areas for future focus. The sessions will run for about an hour, and we promise they will be in a warm spot!
If you are unable to make one of these sessions, you can also send us your written feedback via the parent email address:
If you email, please put the words “Review Feedback” in the subject line. A general guide for your feedback is to follow the format below:
Strengths/Positives/Things you are really happy with
Weaknesses/Negatives/Things you would like to see improved
Areas for future focus/A wish for the future/Something interesting or left field you have thought of … you get the idea
The school’s feedback from the Review is provided back to School Council, staff, and our community. Individual’s feedback is anonymous.
If you have any questions regarding the review, please contact us on 5655 1566.
Vaya Dauphin (Principal) and John Wilson (Assistant Principal)