ELC News 

 MaryAnn Leembruggen, ELC Teacher

Me and my buddy                            

Throughout the year, both our ELC 4-year-old groups have been enjoying spending time with their buddies from Year 5. 


Whether it's showing our buddies around the ELC; exploring the Year 5 rooms; storytelling; or learning to play board and card games together, shared times with our buddies have become eagerly-awaited events. 

We are now looking forward to watching our buddies perform onstage at the Junior School Concert Dress Rehearsal!




Spending time with their buddies allows ELC children to foster respectful interactions with older children while also promoting a sense of belonging to the wider Kilvington community. 

It offers young children the opportunity to form relationships that they normally would not have, and the chance to develop greater levels of confidence through speaking up and sharing ideas with their buddy.