Y9 Residential Program

Pictured: Year 9s at Mt Buller

Reflections from Mt Buller

On the 18th of July, the Year 9s commenced our weeklong ski trip to Mount Buller. The early morning arrival at school on day one was a bit of a shock to the system, but the 3-hour bus trip provided plenty of time to sleep and gain energy for the day to come. 

Unbeknownst to us, our days would become activity packed as the week progressed. We expected that the 7:00am breakfast time would leave a room full of half-asleep kids, but the energy and excitement to get on the skis and boards kept the room buzzing with energy each morning. 

The hour-long trip from Alzburg Resort in Mansfield to the snowy peaks of the mountain provided the rest time needed, and once we all hobbled off the bus with our ski boots and lugged our gear over our shoulders, we were ready for action. Some days started with a ski lesson as early as 8:30am, with beginner groups exploring the magic carpet for the first time and expert groups flying down challenging runs. The improvement from everyone, particularly first-time skiers, from day one to the end of the week, was astonishing. Many of us started that first day tripping over our own feet, unable to even get our skis attached to our boots. Falling backwards down the mountain while struggling with two massive sticks, many of us were ready to give up, leave, and never return. But by Friday, many did not want to leave the mountain, with the amount of five people domino effect crashes greatly reduced. 


A challenge on the first day was the thick snowfall, with it snowing when we arrived on the mountain. Being in actively falling snow was a thrilling experience for first timers and left beautifully soft and perfect snow conditions for the rest of the week. Free time on the slopes was a popular favourite, as friends from all ski levels could gather and explore the mountain in their own groups. Geared with the contact numbers of our supervising staff, we distributed ourselves across ski lifts, blue and black runs, and even the village with its hot cinnamon doughnuts. Riding the ski lifts with the beautiful clear skies and surprisingly hot sun was a refreshing experience, and even those who feared heights were making the most of the rides by the end. 


All in all, ski camp really was one of the best experiences of our lives, despite all the falling, tumbling, and sliding down the side of the mountain. We overcame all the challenges that came our way and gained new skills in teamwork, perseverance, bravery, and of course, skiing and snowboarding. We are truly grateful for all the organising efforts and time our teachers put in to make this experience happen. 


Jade H, Sanya O, Veronica O
Year 9