P&F News
Hi to all from the Huntingtower P&F.
We hope everyone had a great mid year break and had a chance to get away or spend time with your family and you kept COVID safe.
Since the last Bulletin we have been pretty busy and things are just starting to ramp up.
Mt Waverley Op Shop:
The P&F volunteers ran the Mt Waverley Op Shop in lieu of the Simunye program that has been on hiatus during COVID. Thanks to all who volunteered for a shift. It was pretty quiet due to COVID but all the volunteers had a fun and rewarding time working in pairs and it gave everyone some time to learn more about the other volunteers as we had some time to chat between sales. We made a small sum of money that will just cover the cost of a Solar Panel. The Committee thought this would be a great way to put a little something back into the school and help the environment by getting on board the School Solar Panel Drive.
Monash Youth Music Festival:
MYMF was hosted at Huntingtower again this year on 23 July. The P&F ran a sausage sizzle and cake / coffee stall. We started setting up as the sun rose and packed up as the sun went down but had a fulfilling day and the Festival Committee and contestants were very appreciative.
We sold plenty of snags in bread that we offered free onions with J. Gallons of coffee and tea and some delicious donuts and slices.
Many thanks to all the volunteers and especially to the new faces that came along to lend a hand when we gave the callout through the class reps. It was a pleasure to meet you all and they had so much fun they are going to come back for more.
Future Events / Fundraisers:
As you will be aware the school production of Matilda is coming up on 18-20th August. The P&F will be running a candy bar / refreshment stand at intermission. This one is a short busy burst as intermission is only 20 mins but we are already prepping and hope to see you there.
Please bring small notes and gold coins so we can serve you quickly. We will send out our refreshment list with prices a couple of days ahead of time so keep an eye out for what treats you plan to grab.
Junior school ball games is running on the afternoon of Saturday 27th August and we will once again run a sausage sizzle and goodies stall for all the hungry young kids and parents after the games are done.
We have a few other events and things planned so keep an eye out for comms from us as we know you are going to want to get on board and help us supporting our HT community.
P&F Membership:
The committee is formed at the start of the year and everyone with involvement in the school is welcome to join. We are finding some people at events that don’t have the time to be on the committee but are willing to help out at events throughout the year when they have some free time.
All help is always welcomed and if you have some time to offer you will find us a pretty fun laidback group who all want to provide some fun and entertainment for the community whether they are committee members, year level reps or parent helpers.
If anyone is interested in joining us, every helping hand is always welcome and you can contact us on parentandfriends3@outlook.com or huntingtowerpfpresident@gmail.com
Stay safe and hope to see you around the school soon.
From the P&F Committee