
Pictured: Anjali, Mr McDonald, Oscar and Emily

Debating Update

Congratulations to the amazing middle and senior school debaters that have just rounded up a stellar season in the DAV Schools Competition regional rounds for 2022.


Huntingtower has always pushed above its weight in debating with 69 students participating, and every single one of them has achieved incredible success this season. Many of our teams will now be going on to finals, an impressive feat as it requires them to finish at the top of the table for their grade and region. We’re still waiting on final confirmation, but having up to 9 of our 14 teams potentially earning a place is extremely exciting. We’re so proud of our finalists and can’t wait to see them debate against wider Victoria.


We have so many exciting things coming up! 


British Parliamentary Debating Tournaments (the most fun type of debating) will be starting soon, and House Debating is back in person for the first time since 2019, and all the house debating captains are eager to make it fun and entertaining. This will be a great opportunity for students to put themselves out there and give it a go. 


Finals for DAV Junior Public Speaking will also be happening, and we’re excited to see Lily H (Year y), Grace T (Year 8) and Alexis F (Year 8) represent Huntingtower after taking out the top three places in our region.


And finally, next term our amazing year 7s and 8s will be starting their debating season. It’s looking like another big group (52 students have signed up!!) who we have no doubt will be just as amazing! The future of HT debating is in safe hands!


It’s been incredible for us as debating captains to see the enthusiasm everyone has brought to this season. We’ve been faced with some challenging topics and some unprecedented situations – what do you do when your opposition forfeits two minutes before your debate? – but we’ve handled ourselves with utmost professionalism. Sitting in the atrium before every round, the excitement from all teams has been palpable as they go through last-minute speech edits, categories and perspectives, and it’s made us so happy to see everyone genuinely enjoying developing their debating skills with their friends.

Best of luck for the rest of the debating year!


Anjali S, Emily S and Oscar L
Debating Captains