From the Principal

Pictured: Mr Andrew Houghton and Mr Sonny Tan at the Year 9 Residential Ski Program

Thought for the week

“Spirituality is about listening, paying attention to the mystery in every moment.” - Michael Whelan SM


Welcome to Term 3. I hope all families enjoyed the extended break. It has been an absolute joy to see the students back full of enthusiasm for the Term ahead. It has certainly been an action-packed return to school, with a range of experiences offered to students, and wonderful moments of celebration. As we progress through the Term, let us all embrace spirituality and make the effort to appreciate the beauty in every moment. We get more of what we look for, and if we can see and feel beauty, love and kindness around us, this will radiate and in turn light the world around us.


Residential Experiences

Our Year 9 students enjoyed the most remarkable conditions at Mt Buller for the Alpine Experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my week getting to know the students better and watching them gain confidence as most of them learnt a new skill of skiing or snowboarding. 


Joining our Huntingtower students while they are away is always a joy, and I continue to be overwhelmed when community members, ski lift operators, instructors and members of the general public praise the conduct, respect and kindness of our students.


Our Year 11 students enjoyed a memorable and educational trip to Uluru and Alice Springs, connecting and learning about our Indigenous culture, language, and the deep spiritual connection with the land. Listening to the reflections from the students and staff, it was a deeply valuable experience for all who attended.


I acknowledge and thank all our amazing staff who attended the residential experiences and provided the highest quality care and support for our students.


Work Experience and Futures Expo

Our Year 10 students were recently able to complete Work Experience for the first time in a few years. I thank the dedication of Mrs Alison Howard who worked tirelessly to assist with the placement of students. I had the opportunity to visit several students while they were on placement and very much enjoyed hearing their reflections. The Work Experience program is a valuable opportunity to help students consider future pathways.

The Futures Expo was well attended and provided families with an opportunity to talk with the teachers about different subjects and also meet a range of Tertiary education providers to learn more about planning future pathways.  If you or your child has further questions, please reach out to Mrs Alison Howard or any of our wonderful Senior Secondary School Teachers. 



We are only weeks away from opening night of Huntingtower’s much-awaited show, Matilda. If rehearsals are any indication to go by, it is going to be a magnificent and thoroughly entertaining production. We wish the cast and crew “chookas” for the three evening performances. If you have not already booked your tickets, I encourage you to act swiftly and book now as shows are filling fast.    


Junior School Concert

Our Junior School enjoyed their first musical concert since 2018 last Friday, and it was a joy to see the students sharing their love of music with the community. The strings and percussion ensembles were wonderful, and the choirs brought pure delight to everyone.  Thank you to Mrs Carly Major-Gough for her dedication and the passionate inspiration she gives the Junior School children every day.


Medical updates

During the recent preparation process for the residential experiences, it became clear that many families have not been updating the School with changed medical circumstances for their children. I cannot stress enough how absolutely vital it is that we have the most up-to-date medical information so that we can provide the highest possible care for your children at School and when on camps or excursions. If you have any changed circumstances, please contact the School and provide the necessary updates to medical plans, medication and provide any other relevant information.


Mr Andrew Houghton