Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

Parent Formation workshop 

Last Wednesday evening, our 2022 Foundation and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend a Parent Formation workshop facilitated by Maria Forde.  Maria is an experienced facilitator of retreats, and parent information evenings, that are enjoyable informative, reflective, engaging, safe and entertaining. 


The theme for our evening was to revisit the Sacraments, making connections between Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Parents/carers were given the opportunity to write a letter to their child outlining what dreams and hopes they as parents have for their children.  These letters were collected and will be given to the children at the end of their primary education in Year 6 on Graduation night. Some parents chose to complete their letters at home. Please ensure that these letters are returned to your child’s teachers.  Parents/carers that were not able to attend the workshop, your child’s teacher will be in contact with you.

Bishop Terry Curtin's visit

Last Thursday, our Year 5/6 children were given the opportunity to meet bishop Terry Curtin.  Bishop Curtin visited and will be celebrating Confirmation on Friday, August 5 at St Fidelis Church.  In light of this, he took the time to come and meet the Year 5/6 children.       


Retreat day 

This Friday, the 29th of July, the Confirmation candidates will be participating in a “retreat day”. The purpose of this day is to gather and reflect on the importance of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please refer to the previous note for further information regarding the day.  Last week your child received a note outlining details that are required for the confirmation celebration. Please ensure that these notes are returned by Wednesday 27th July. 


Confirmation celebration

The children will be celebrating Confirmation on Friday the 5th of August at St Fidelis Church.  This celebration will be celebrated by Bishop Terry Curtin, Father Greg Burke and Father Linh Pham. The celebration will begin at 6.30 pm.  A photographer has been booked for this event and information regarding this will be forwarded in the next few days.  We are very excited that Maria Forde will be our vocalist on the day.

Grandparents' whole school mass

This Tuesday, the 26th of July at 9.15 am, all grandparents, parents and carers are invited to attend mass to celebrate Grandparents Day and also to remember the feast of St Anne and St Joachim who were the grandparents of Jesus. Please join us as we celebrate this special occasion.  At the end of mass, you are invited to join your grandchildren in their learning space.


Thank you kindly,


Annette Gasbarro 

Religious Education Leader.


Parish News