Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 3 Term 3

Dear Parents and Carers,


This year we celebrate for the second time the “World day for Grandparents and the Elderly” established by Pope Francis that will be held on the fourth Sunday of July close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26th), the grandparents of Jesus. The Pope underlines that “old age is a gift and that grandparents are the link between generations, passing on the experience of life and faith to the young''.


Tomorrow at 9:15am, we will be celebrating our St Fidelis' Grandparents at a whole school Mass followed by an activity in the classroom with their grandchild/ren. For some of us we may not have our grandparents nearby or even living. However, if you would like to invite a special person they are most welcome to accompany your child.



Fr. Cartwright has been invited to celebrate the 11am Mass at St. Fidelis on

Sunday August 28th

followed by a luncheon in the St Fidelis School hall.

If you would like to attend the luncheon, please contact the St Fidelis' Parish Office or one of the Social Committee members below. Alternatively you can add your name to the forms available at each Mass at St Fidelis Church.

Please reply by August 12th

Parish Office: 9386 1224  Email: moreland@cam.org.au

Rob: 0416 124483, Ray: 0419 562252, John: 0412 712672


Thank you to all the Foundation and Year One parents that attended our Parent Faith Workshop last week. It was lovely to see so many parents. If you were unable to attend this workshop please ensure you see your child's teachers as there was an activity we require all parents to complete for their child.



Thank you to Chris Archibald and Michael La Porta (two of our students' dads) who volunteered their time on Saturday to change all the Air Filters in our school Air Purifiers. There are 50 purifiers in total and I wish to thank them so much for ensuring we are keeping our school environment clean and safe for all our students and teachers.


Last Friday we were awarded the winner of the 100% School Participation award for the country in the Interrelate Say Yes to Respectful Relationships Poster Competition. In addition, congratulations to Ava S, Louis P, Hunter F, Darius M, and Eliana K who finished as the top 40 finalists out of 1200 entries in Australia. A magnificent effort by everyone. Our students' Posters can be viewed as you enter the school Library/STEM Innovation space. Well done, we are very proud of you all. If you would like to watch the awards ceremony please click on this link

2022 Virtual Awards Ceremony | Interrelate's Say Yes to Respectful Relationships Poster Competition


This is my last newsletter for a few weeks. Cheer hard for all our Australian athletes. It takes lots of dedication, time, commitment, sacrifices and passion to get where they are to represent their country. I will also visit the Vatican whilst I’m overseas, I will light a candle and pray for our amazing St Fidelis Community. 


Have a lovely week,
