Parents' Association Update


BBQ coordinators

SKiPPA is looking for a couple more volunteer BBQ coordinators to join Alana for Jazz in the Park (term 1), the footy breakfast (term 3) and Celebration of the Arts (term 4).  If you think you may be able to help, please contact SKiPPA for more information.


SKIPPA Welcoming Role 

SKIPPA is seeking volunteers to join Samantha and Lien for its SKIPPS Welcoming Role which includes assisting the class reps and welcoming new families to the school during the year. Please contact SKIPPA if you would like more information.


SKIPPA meetings Friday 8.20 AM Art room, everyone welcome.


August 5th, August 26th, Oct 7th, Nov 4th, Dec 2nd


Please contact your SKiPPA parent reps for further information:

Priscilla (Connor 56) Samantha (Lila 56) Elise (Mathilda 56) Vandana (Jai 56) 

Simon (Lila 56)Kathryn (Mathilde 56, Isidora 34) Pauline (Ewan 56)

Alana (Tallula 56, Thom 34) Melissa (Harvey 56, Max 34, Fraser 34)