The Key to Future Success
The Key to Future Success
There has always been a strong notion embedded in the culture of schools around the importance of studying Mathematics. This can be attributed to two key ideas; the first being that Mathematics is important for learning's sake and the second, and more commonly used notion, is that it is important because it prepares students for life.
In today's society, Mathematics as a subject takes on another layer of importance as it is involved in just about every job in some way, and is particularly essential in the in-demand fields of science, finance and technology. At Mater Dei Catholic College, we understand this heightened focus on the importance of Mathematics and more importantly the need to embed it into an ever widening diverse range of learning experiences. Some of the opportunities that the student have to engage with these experience are:
Rich learning is an engaging experience where mathematical concepts are explored using open-ended activities with multiple entry and exit points. This type of learning focuses on developing critical thinking and reasoning skills and encourages students to think like mathematicians. Rich Tasks provide an opportunity for students to see how mathematical ideas are embedded in everyday activities.
The STEM Pathway increases student self-awareness as daily, successful users of mathematics/ Students combine mathematical skills to solve real-world STEM problems.
Students are empowered by developing their understanding of statistical and financial information. The students realise that technological and social advancements can be made in relative safety due to the mathematics of describing curves, growth and change.
The Numeracy course supports students to develop the functional numeracy skills required to become active and successful participants in society. Students have the opportunity to develop these skills and apply them to situations in personal and community, workplace and employment, and education and training contexts. This course offers students the opportunity to prepare for post-school options of employment or further training.
Maths Week 2022 was an opportunity for the whole school community to celebrate the joy of learning through Mathematics. Activities were scheduled over the week that allowed students to explore particular concepts around Mathematics as well as having a bit of fun.
With Year 10 subject selections on the horizon, I would encourage all students and families to think about the opportunities and gateways that studying Mathematics could allow a student to take. Thankfully, at MDCC there are a number of people to talk to to discuss the various options available to study Mathematics. I would recommend that each students have a discussion with their classroom teacher, Parents/carers and finally to book a meeting time with the Transition and Pathways Specialist (MR O'Connell) before making their decision.
Mr Kurt McPherson | KLA Leader of Mathematics