Mrs Meek's Reflections

Report from the Head of Secondary


Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you have all had a good rest over the school holidays. I am writing this fortnight’s Bytes article on behalf of Mr Bray as the secondary department had the privilege participating in number of exciting activities over the first two weeks of Term 4. 


I have been reflecting on 1 John in my devotions lately. It is clear that John wrote to remind us that they (disciples) have seen Jesus and can witness and testify to what happened. Through Jesus, we can now have fellowship with the Father and his Son. How does this then make our joy complete? The next part of this chapter explains that our joy is made complete by knowing this true fellowship through walking in the light. God is this light and in Him there is no darkness. There is forgiveness and cleansing through Jesus’ death for anyone who confesses their sin.


Mr Bray challenged us during our staff devotion on Friday with these three questions:

  • What excites you about being a Christian?
  • When you arrive at school at the start of your day, what are you particularly thankful for?
  • What exciting things about living a Christian life do you plan to share with your students (if a teacher) or with your colleagues?

This year has been very challenging for us. It is easy to forget the joy that God has provided us. I found Mr Bray’s three questions challenging and exciting. I hope that you can spend some time with your family to reflect on these questions in your own context. 

HSC Examinations begin!

This past week, our HSC students have just started their examinations. Please continue to pray for them as they continue to revise and prepare for their examinations. Please pray especially for our Year 12 students as they plan what they do beyond NCS and that God will continue to shine His saving light on their lives. 

Our new TAS/Visual Arts Centre opens!

We have all been anticipating occupying the new TAS/Visual Arts Centre since last year. I am pleased to say that we are finally in!! We are so grateful and thankful to our Father who has blessed us with these new facilities. There are still some things that we are working out and we are experimenting as to how we can best use this space. Among many things, this new block will serve us well in helping staff to incorporate collaborative learning. 

Stage 5 Commerce Market Day

The Stage 5 Commerce class was able to use the lobby of the new TAS/Visual Arts Centre to hold their Market Day on Friday.  The day was a tremendous success with students from Years 6-10 attending and spending up big on the various products on offer.

Waterslea excursion

Due to the challenges of COVID-19, we have not been able to take our students for an overnight camp. To finish off Term 3, we were able to take our Year 7-10 students to Youthworks at Waterslea for a day of fun and adventure. We hope you will enjoy the short clip of all the activities the students were participating in.

Bell Shakespeare Company perform 

The Bell Shakespeare Company came to our school to showcase some drama for our students. Due to time constraints and COVID regulations, we were only able to showcase their work to Years 7, 9 and 10 students. The students who were there thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 


This term, we also welcomed back Mr Harrison, who returned from long service leave. We trust he had a restful and relaxing time away.


We look forward to ending our last term well.


Mrs Meek