Thursday 26 November, 2020

Tomorrow we will be holding our annual Sports Day with a few differences to the past: 

  • The event will be held at school where year levels will participate separately on the oval for one hour each.
  • Students participate in 3 activities: a sprint, shuttle relays and a novelty event.
  • House points and ribbons will be given (except novelty events).
  • School record times and measurements will not be used as the distances will not be the same etc
  • Spectators and parent helpers are unable to join us this year.
  • Specialist classes will continue as normal on this school day, as will classroom and break time routines
  • House and sport captains will assist throughout the day and the winning house will be awarded the shield at the end of the day.

ALL STUDENTS NEED TO WEAR THEIR SPORTS UNIFORM TOMORROW with a touch of extra colour to support their house if they wish (eg. scarf, hat, ribbons, socks, t-shirt of their house colour). 


Thank you for supporting a modified Sports Day this year by preparing healthy snacks, lunch and a water bottle for your child/children and dressing them in appropriate clothing for the day.


Mrs. Kristina Khoo