Maths @ CSPS

Understanding the Maths Learner

Now we are back...

It's great to be back with our students in the classroom and teaching face to face. The students have embraced being back and embraced learning with so much passion and enthusiasm. 

Our curriculum focus this year has been on embedding great teacher practice in maths. We have been working with Michael Minas a maths consultant, to inspire us to think about how we deliver maths that is far from the old paradigms of formulas and right or wrong answers. 

We have all been greatly inspired by this new way of delivering lessons but more so the motivation and interest that has been reciprocated back by the students. Teachers and students are seeing and hearing maths in a new light. Students have discovered their ideas have a voice and that their voice makes for great discussions. These discussions lead to exploration and in return a greater understanding of the problem. Students are then able to reason and justify their assumptions with evidence. This proves that our maths lessons are targeting all the 4 proficiencies of maths mastery, problem-solving, reasoning, understanding and fluency.

To come back from remote learning and be able to motivate students to learn in a different way and love maths... well, that just makes my heart sing!

Year 3 Maths celebrations

Getting Ready for Foundation 2021

Yes, I said it! How do you prepare your child for mathematical learning in 2021? The best thing you can do is keep the CURIOSITY and keep it FUN. Maths in foundation is all about exploring, sorting, classifying, estimating, comparing and describing just to mention a few.  Using and talking about any of the verbs above in relation to their world will adequately prepare your child to begin their school journey with a love for maths. I love this video as a visual representation of the progression of skills students go through when learning maths. 

Student Celebrations

Mathletics Awards

Congratulations to these students


Deisel R 6B

Thomas C 5B


Darcy S-H 5B

Deisel R 6B

Dakota J 2B

Cash D 2A

Chelsea D 5B

Jack C 2B

Thomas C 5B

Zachary C-S 2A

Charlotte B 2A

James B 1A