Current Merit Ticket Count - Term 4 Week 5
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
Current Merit Ticket Count - Term 4 Week 5
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
At Staughton College, students are awarded Merit Tickets when they demonstrate positive behaviours consistent with our Staughton Student Matrix.
Remember to press your teachers for a Merit ticket when you feel like you have showed a behaviour that aligns with our Matrix.
Take a look at the current Merit Ticket Data as of Term 4, Week 7
Current highest merit ticket recipients:
Current highest merit ticket count per year level:
Year 7: Rhayn Tearoa and Mollie Van Der Linden
Year 8: Rami Bakir
Year 9: Charley James
Year 10: Katelyn Macleod
Year 11: Georgia Ely
Year 12: Amy Grant