Musical Notes

String Ensembles/Orchestras

With the easing of restrictions, string musicians are now able to rehearse in a group.  As advised last week, Mr Leutchford and the string teachers are conducting a Special String Orchestra on Mondays from 7.45 – 8.30am in the Founders’ Complex.  All year 7 – 10 string musicians (violin, viola, cello, double bass) are invited to attend.


Ms Jankowski is putting together a Cello Ensemble which will meet on Tuesday mornings from 7.45 – 8.30am in the Founders’ Complex.  Music will be given out during the rehearsals. There will be parts for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. We will be preparing for an E-Recital recording.


These gatherings will be a great opportunity for students to play in a group environment.


If you have any questions, please speak to your teacher.

Due to COVID restrictions, we have been unable to hold our usual Recital Evenings.  

Mr Melitsis has put together videos of our Year 8 Music Enrichment students performing solo.




Please watch the brief introduction by Mr Melitsis and enjoy the performances by Maenod's Year 8 Enhancement Music students:-




Enhancement Music O8MUE2J



David Greensmith                                     Didier Savrimoutou






Eric Vien                                                                         Huey Ng






Jack Ko                                                                   Jordan Luttick






Joshua Ngieng                                                 Kenson Cheung






Lucas Valenzuela                                                      Lucas Yap






Nathanael Kuek                                                       Roland Ung






Sean Park                                                              Thomas Giles




Click here:-  


Enhancement Music 08MUE2Y




Aaron Hicks                                                 Abishek Alexander                              





Antonio Di Giovine                                                Daniel Nittoli






Nicholas Gurevich                                                Peter Hajduk






Tomas Jacob



Click here:- 

Musical Instrument Return

Any students who have discontinued lessons and hired an instrument MUST return their instrument BEFORE the end of term.


Failure to return your instrument will result in an invoice being raised for the instrument's full purchase price.



E-recital Back Catalogue

All of Mazenod’s E-recital series are on MazCom.  You can watch them at any time.

Term 4 Timetables

All Term 4 timetables have been uploaded to MazCom.  Please ask your son to check his timetable as his lesson time will change from week to week.  We are no longer following the Google Meet times.