ACC Sport & House News
Graduating Year 12 Cohort 2020 - Thank you
It would be remiss of us not to thank the graduating Year 12 students of 2020 for their passion and commitment to sport over 6 years. Though sport this year was cruellingly cut short, this talented group of sportsmen have done some amazing things which will become ingrained in the culture of Mazenod sport.
From 2015 when they entered the college they have performed admirably, highlighted by their ability to win the Aggregate Award for being the best Sporting Year Level in the ACC in Year 7 (2015), Year 8 (2016), 2nd in Year 9 (2017), Year 10 (2018) and Senior (2019).
What an amazing effort to be the best out of twelve Catholic Colleges for 4 out of 5 years!
This group were always enthusiastic and passionate and it was never an issue getting them to play. They have enjoyed great success in hockey, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, cross Country, Soccer and Lawn Bowls.
It is always difficult to highlight individuals in such a talented group. We did witness the evolution of Ben Collins into an outstanding State Level runner and Trent Symss a State and National Level hockey player. We have seen great leadership from the likes of Tom Raymond, Jack Cincotta-Caspersz, Matthew Maiolo, Liam Acosta-Harvey, Mitch McCarthy, Jordan McDonnell, Liam Heverin, Thomas Yong, Jason Weerasinghe, Jordan Tranter, Quinn Tennent, Terrence A’Hearn, Joseph Locandro, Francis Zaar, Lachlan McNamara, Kurt Tellis, Thomas Haddad, Dominic Folino, Jerome Labutte and Jarrod Conte. The last four were part of our State winning champions in soccer! In such a successful year level I am sure I have missed more than a few.
On behalf of all sports minded people at Mazenod we say a big thank you and good luck to all these wonderful students and thank them for the culture and path they have set for others to follow.
Term 4 Sport
Sport has recommenced for all year levels. It has been a challenge to encourage five hundred students to be active in a limited space and with limited resources. The students completed 100 minutes of physical activity and enjoyed our new sport of ‘Walk and Talk’, where the boys walked 3km with their friends whilst catching up. It was a great success and we thank the students for their cooperation. The boys then undertook 50 minutes of a chosen activity - modified football, soccer, tennis, or t-ball.
We hope with the easing of restrictions we will be able to resume a near-normal program in the coming weeks utilising our indoor facilities for basketball, badminton, table tennis and weights and fitness.
House Coloured Tops
A reminder to all students that the above mentioned sports program has been set up as a House Challenge and to enable it to run more effectively, students are required to wear their house tops to sport. Students are asked to bring both tops to school on their sport day and change before sport commences. We appreciate some students may have PE classes as well on sport days and therefore we are allowing students to wear a plain sport t-shirt for PE classes, should they require a clean shirt.
Sunsmart & Drink Bottles
Please remind students that as Spring is here and Summer is approaching, all students are required to wear a hat for outdoor activities and use sunscreen prior to the activity. The college has limited hats and sunscreen available. If a student does not have a college cap, a plain sports cap or wide brim hat is acceptable to wear.
Students should also bring their own water bottle to lessons as the water fountains are turned off. Students can get access to the taps to fill bottles as required.
Year 7 & 8 Physical Education
A reminder to students that they can wear their PE uniform and college tracksuit to school on the day of their PE lesson and also on their nominated sports afternoon.
Cricket Season is Coming!
- Why not play at Mazenod Old Collegians CC
Come play at a great family club, improve your skills, make some friends and have some fun.
Mr Adrian Connolly
Director of ACC Sports