Stage of the Week

Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10

Year 10 Celebration Assembly

Our Year 10 students celebrated finishing their junior secondary schooling with a 'virtual' Celebration Assembly. We congratulate all our Year 10s and wish them well as they begin their Foundation Studies and work towards their HSC. If you missed their assembly, you can view it below.

Stage 5 Food Technology host a High Tea

The Food Technology class has been enjoying cooking in our new room. We wanted to thank some of the key people who have helped with the organisation, logistics and set-up of this beautiful new learning space. So, we decided to invite them to share a thank you afternoon tea!


Students designed and distributed invites and planned the menu. They thought about setting up the space, table decorations and timing. They cooked, plated and served - managing the back of house and front of house with growing skill and efficiency. 


I am very proud of the team work, creativity and initiative of students in this class.  Special thanks to Josie who made macrame keyrings as a gift for all our guests and to Harry, our COVID safe marshall, and Matt, who did an amazing job on pack-up.  


Food Technology says a very big thank you to everyone who contributed to the new buildings!


Mrs Lawrence