Year 10 Meningococcal Vaccine
The Department of Health Immunisation team will be visiting the College on Thursday 29 October to administer Meningococcal ACWY vaccine to Year 10 students.
College Medication procedure
If a parent requests the College Nurse administer medication to their child, they must complete a Medication Request Form, this is available from the Health Centre. The medication must be in its original container or packaging and clearly labelled with the following:
- Child’s name
- Name of medication
- Expiry date
- Dose and time to be given
If a student is required to carry and self-administer medication while at school, only a single measured dose for one school day can brought onto the College premises.
- Medication must be locked in that student’s locker.
- Students with diagnosed Asthma are advised to carry their reliever medication with them at all times.
- Students with diagnosed Anaphylaxis must carry their Epipen (adrenaline autoinjector) with them at all times if age appropriate. Students must carry their Epipen to all off-site and out of school hours activities eg, sport, drama etc.
- Students with diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes must carry their “hypo Kit” at all times.
Jenny Hill
College Nurse