A message from Leon

Welcome back to Term 4 everyone.


As I visit classrooms, it has been great to see how students (and staff) have been settling back into school with very few concerns. Students are telling me how much they wanted to be back at school.


I would like to thank all our parents and carers for your support and work during the Remote Learning. I know it has been tough at times but your persistence and efforts are appreciated.  You are the unsung heroes. 


Staff have been working very hard on settling children back into school and assessing where students are at both academically and in their wellbeing.

I know it has been very hard for some families as you cannot enter the school site at the moment but I appreciate your trust in us and your understanding during this time.


We are still working through the Department of Education guidelines (which keep changing depending on Government announcements) about when we will be permitted to run other activities in the school.  These will be introduced slowly.


Our other focus is transitions between Year 6-7 and our new Foundation (prep) students for 2021.  We are working with families and other groups (Kinders/Secondary Schools) to ensure there is a smooth transition for next year.


I have also begun working on 2021 planning which has some challenges.  We don’t quite know what 2021 will look like but we will work hard to make sure that those transitioning within the school will have a smooth experience.


If you are planning to leave our school in 2021 (apart from year 6 students), please let the office know as soon as possible.  This information is so important in our planning.


New Staff

Many of our families would not have met some new staff that have joined us in Term 3 and 4.

Geoff Lambourn is an Education Support (Teacher aide) from the Croxton School campus at Thornbury High.  Geoff is supporting a student in year 3 and commenced in term three.

Pam Williams is an Education Support staff member from Strathmore Primary and is supporting students in Years 2 and 3.  Pam commenced with us in term three. 

Alex Paz is our new Foundation Steiner Teacher who has replaced Lucy Webb.  Lucy went on Family leave in term three and is now a proud mother of a baby girl.  Mirella Faulkner was able to assist us greatly in covering Lucy’s grade until the end of Remote Learning.  Alex commenced as the teacher in term four. 


Lots of activities

We continue to create excitement at school through a variety of virtual and onsite events this term. Some of these include:

  • Bookweek
  • Virtual excursions
  • Yarning conference (Year 5)
  • NAIDOC Week
  • Lockdown Rockdown

And more….


Please keep an eye on compass posts so you and your child do not miss out on these events.


In closing, with the Grand Final completed,  I would like to congratulate the Pickett family as Marlion Pickett had the opportunity to play in his second Grand Final.  The family have been connecting remotely from the AFL hub in Queensland during this time which has its challenges.


Take care everyone during these days.  Keep safe and well and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything.




Leon Bell
