Kindergarten News

Dickens Room

We had a fantastic week, with most of our children back at Kinder, eager and excited to be with friends and learning! 

The Wimbi children have been VERY excited by all the opportunities, choices and routines. There has been a buzz in the program, lots of large groups busy working together and with their increased thinking and reasoning skills, Mardi and I have been running to keep up with the ideas and happenings of the children! This has also created opportunities to refresh the children's awareness around working co-operatively within a classroom and maintaining appropriate behaviours and following increased expectations. 


Our Marram class had a great week also, we began some learning around our inquiry question 'the environment needs to be protected'. This discussion led to a discovery around using water in a way that 'isn't wasteful' as the children decided. 

There was also a lot of time spent creating complex creations with lego and construction as well as spontaneous exploration of literacy- drawing, writing and the creation of 'reports'. 

Moore Room

Another great busy productive week in the Moore room. We have seen some beautiful creative work at the easel – indoors and outdoors. Some amazing animal creations using the play dough, box construction and also great designs through cutting, tearing and ripping of paper. The children are really extending their fine motor manipulation as they expand on their own interests.


We have had some wonderful cooking moments in the mud patch, with the play dough and making ‘fruit salad’ with some of the garden goodness as they co construct their learning. Discussions about some sea-creatures have emerged through play at the water trough, weaving to make wishing wands, role play in the ‘ice-cream shop’ and “what is your super power?” conversations which has afforded some awesome collaborative work.

Have a super week!


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie, Jo and Cristina