Specialist News

Term 3 

Physical Education 

What an exciting return to school we had last week! The energy and enthusiasm from the students was amazing. It was just so enjoyable to see everybody's smiling faces and have those genuine face-to-face interactions again!

This week the senior students will continue to develop their cricket skills and understandings, while the juniors will get one last basketball session before also turning their attention to cricket next week.

Pupil of the Week

Senior: Imogen S (5/6SB)

For returning to our first PE session full of enthusiasm and making sure to put in your best effort for all of the activities, as well as being happy to help out when it came time to get the equipment back. Keep up the fantastic work, Imogen!


Junior: Tilly N (1/2E)

For demonstrating fantastic resilience in PE. While I know it can be very hard to get back into the swing of things after a very long break, you put in your best effort and by the end of our activities you had a big smile on your face! Well done, Tilly!

Visual Arts

The coming week will see a continued focus on literacy, numeracy as well as steam centred learning experiences. Last week, our junior students took on the role of civil engineers creating racetracks. The challenge was to estimate, gauge, measure - as well as anticipate the impact of forces and speed. Creativity came into play as we made sure the race tracks were exciting to ride. We used chocolate cars to try out how the racks would perform. To each student's credit, not one car was lost in the process by being accidentally eaten. Last week, our senior students focused on sustainability exploring marine pollution based on human plastic consumption  - Students created artworks highlighting the plight of see turtles whose existence, among others, continue to be threatened by our actions. Our turtle drawings will become part of a multi-media artwork as we further explore and refine this project.



Pupil of the Week

Senior: Eddy T (5/6SB)

For your sensational turtle drawing showing care in the execution, creativity and attention to detail. Keep up this awesome attitude and apply it to all tasks Eddy. You have a lot to offer - let your light shine.


Junior: Mackenzie D (1/2E)

For the effortless ease with which you apply yourself to your art tasks. You are a joy to teach and an inspiration to others. You give each learning opportunity your all and it is a pleasure to see you thrive in this subject. 

Performing Arts

We are back with a bang! The Year 5/6 students have enjoyed playing within a drum circle connecting their rhythms and creating music together.  The year 3/4 students demonstrated their dramatic ability through miming activities and games developing their skills in mime. The Year 1/2 students became pirates creating their own movements to match the pirate sayings such as 'Arrrrr me hearties'. The Foundations students enjoyed playing a range of instruments and performing the song, 'The Black Cat'. It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces of the students back in the music room and so eager to learn.   

Pupil of the Week

Senior: Izyan D (3/4D)

For demonstrating outstanding dramatic ability when miming out a short scene.  Izyan used facial expression and body movement to express himself clearly.  Great work!


Junior: Ryan Z (1/2E)

For your amazing musical skill when playing the piano. You played a rondo with excellent timing, and collaborated with ease and confidence. Well done on a superb performance, Ryan. 


Selamat siang lagi!

It’s hard to put into words how extraordinarily exciting and wonderful it is to see our students’ faces at school again. We have played games, chatted, caught up on new pets and teeth lost, reflected upon our strengths and already learnt so much! 

This week, Foundation compared birthday traditions in Australia and Indonesia, making Nasi Tumpeng (Rice Mountain) feasts, noodle bowls and Indonesian-inspired birthday cakes. In 1/2, students have prepared for their transition to their new job of weatherman and weatherwomen, and have become experts for the days of the week. Why not have a go at using them at home as well? What do you think “Hari” means?

Hari Senin = Monday

Hari Selasa = Tuesday

Hari Rabu = Wednesday

Hari Kamis = Thursday

Hari Jumat = Friday

Hari Sabtu = Saturday

Hari Minggu = Sunday

This week in 3/4, students have practised their listening skills and spelling by learning the words to “Mau ke Mana?” and have started learning how to discuss their future travel plans! In 5/6, students continued working on their informative and engaging presentations on Indonesian celebrations - in preparation to share and provide feedback to other students next week!

Sampai minggu depan!

Bu Marissa Mundy

Pupil of the Week

Senior: Edith I (3/4M)

For going above and beyond during a listening activity and transcribing three versions of the song “Mau Ke Mana?” You showed excellent listening skills and a great understanding of the song! Hebat!


Junior: Zoey H (1/2W)

For being an outstanding Team Captain for our Days of the Week Stepping Stone Game. You were patient, supportive and encouraging to your classmates, and created a great team atmosphere. Hebat!