Inquiry Centre


What a whirlwind of a week! We are loving having everyone back at school - the teachers and students are all very happy (and tired)!

In Literacy, we focused on ‘comparing and contrasting’, finding similarities and differences between texts and characters. Students also experimented with dialogue and wrote and illustrated their own comic strips. 

In Maths, we explored a range of topics including addition, subtraction, place value and money. The students wrote addition and subtraction stories and practised trading tens for ones. The students enjoyed getting their hands on all our maths materials and enjoyed some of their favourite maths games. 

In Guided Inquiry we looked further at light and sound. The students loved becoming ‘foley artists’, making special sound effects with found objects.

We have had lots of exciting lunchtime clubs happening this week, including Junior Auslan Choir, Junior Dance Troupe, Colouring Club, Sustainability Studio, Relaxation Club and Skipping Club. These will continue to run next week. Pleasant Snacks will return in week 4. 


Thank you all for your support throughout the transition back to onsite learning. Your efforts towards keeping our community safe are most appreciated.

Student Voice

  • Kobi 1/2BR - “It’s good to be at school, the best thing was seeing my teachers and playing with my friends”
  •  Viraj 1/2BR - "I've really enjoyed doing maths and learning new things such as money with notes and dollars, and new division problems"
  • Hayley 1/2BR - "It was great to see my friends. I enjoyed doing the comic because we got to do pictures"
  • Zac 1/2BR - "I liked our maths. It's good to see everybody!"


  • Footy dress up day on Thursday.
  • Public holiday on Friday (no school).
  • 9.00am Year 1/2 BR, E, O & W enter through double gates on Eugenia Street onto the oval. One parent or carer from each family may enter the oval area to drop off and collect students. Students will be dismissed at 3.30pm.
  • 9.00am Year 1/2H, 1/2P and 1/2 K students enter through Staff Car Park 1. Students dismissed at 3.30pm
  • Please bring a water bottle to school.
  • Hats are to be worn at recess and lunch play time.

Pupil of the Week

1/2BR: Anna R - 

For your positivity and perseverance when transitioning back to onsite learning this week. Your kindness and generosity are strengths that make you a great friend and class member.


1/2E: Tiffany - 

For demonstrating creativity and love of learning when completing your comic. You put care into your drawings and made sure to include detailed illustration! Keep up the great work! 


1/2H: Luciano C - 

For displaying a love of learning and curiosity when comparing and contrasting texts in Literacy this week. You did an excellent job exploring what was similar and different about characters and events in a variety of books. Keep up the wonderful work Luci!


1/2K:  Lailah L - 

For displaying a love of learning and perseverance during literacy. You came to school every day with a big smile and an excitement to keep practising your reading! Keep up the fantastic work Lailah! 


1/2O: Jack K - 

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance when solving number problems using vertical recording. You connected your place value knowledge of renaming to help you solve problems vertically. Excellent work Jack!


1/2P: Dinayne J - 

For demonstrating responsibility and determination in all learning tasks during our first week back. It has been great to see your love of learning! Keep it up, Dinayne!


1/2W: Scarlett S - 

For demonstrating kindness to all your friends and peers as you ensure all students feel included and happy. You have transitioned back into the classroom very well, Scarlett!