Parents & Friends 

Welcome back for Term 4!

What a roller coaster of a year we’ve had. 


I’d like to take this chance to thank the Staff of MPRPS for all their hard work with Remote Learning. We may have heard horror stories of how other school’s handled the past two terms, and it’s been a relief to know that our school has continually asked for feedback from families about how they’re coping with Remote Learning, and how the school can support families who have struggled. And let’s be honest, some days were a REAL STRUGGLE! 


Secondly, I’d like to congratulate every single family for their flexibility, their compassion, and their perseverance for helping their child/ren through Remote Learning. While I am sure there were quite a few days you felt like giving up with Remote Learning (well, there were in my house!) please remember that you supported your family in so many different ways over this time. I am in awe of all our community. 

A big thank you also to our Class Parent Reps who had the tough task of keeping our parents connected to their class groups during our lockdown. 


If you are finding yourself struggling financially during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jess who is our Community Services Representative. She will maintain the strictest of privacy and can help with getting food on the table for your family. 

Similarly, if you find yourself in a secure financial place at the moment, you might like to reach out to Jess to see how you can provide confidential support to others in our community. You can email Jess at:


If you haven’t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:

This group was started by Trish Brimelow 5 years ago, and is a great place to stay up to date with school events and connect with fellow parents. 


Finally, as a way of showing your appreciation of the MPRPS Staff, we’ve set up a ‘Pay It Forward’ coffee card system at our local Cafe Blanc. When you pop in for your morning cuppa, you can mention to Hoc or Peou that you’d also like to buy a coffee for the MPRPS staff, and they’ll add a coffee to the cards behind the counter. I’d like to thank everyone who has donated already - there were a few full cards already by Friday last week. 

We’re supporting our local cafe this way, as well as saying thanks to the MPRPS Staff, and a big thank you to Ebony for suggesting it. 

Parent Facebook Page

Please see the link below to access our Parents and Friends Facebook Page

Parent Community Rep

If you would like to contact Jess for some help, have a chat about assisting another family or to be added to our community database as a volunteer please contact 

Jess Walker at