Education in Faith

Advent is around the Corner!

This weekend, marks the start of the new liturgical year, and it always begins on Advent Sunday, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day.


In Giving, we Receive....
In Giving, we Receive....


We are people of action and this year, we are aiming to brighten the lives of many local people by donating to St Vincent De Paul's Christmas Drive. They make food hampers to distribute and have asked for donations of:



Tin of leg ham 454gm.

Tins of vegetables each 425gm

Packet of shortbread biscuits

Christmas pudding 400gm

Fruit cake or Christmas cake 700gm

Long life custard carton 1 litre

Small packets jelly crystals

Packet of Shapes biscuits

Packet of Lollies (not chocolate please)

Tins fruit 425 gm


If any families wish to donate gift cards, Big W or Kmart or Target cards are always well received and much appreciated......Please send any donations along with your child. `Each class has a basket to collect donations and these will be collected on the morning of FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER.


'Loving God

Guide us to be your hands, your feet, your heart

as we begin to prepare for this Christmas-

For it is in Giving that we Receive......'



  We are Celebrating the 

`                                                           Sacrament of Confirmation 

on Tuesday 1 December.


“……..I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you.” JOHN 14:15-17


Class KKs

During next week each child will draw out the name of another child in their classroom to have as their ‘K.K’.  At St. James we adopt the ancient German custom of Kris Kindl. The word means ‘Christchild’. It is a way of showing others the, ‘Face of Jesus’. We encourage them to do lots of special things for the ‘Kris Kindl’ – (acts of kindness, thoughtfulness or notes with messages) without letting on who they are. In the last week, each class will have a celebration, with games (no food this year!) and reveal who that special person has been. They can make their ‘Kris Kindl’ a gift, special card or if you choose to you can buy a small gift (up to $5). The focus is for the children to give of themselves during this Advent Season.




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