Physical Education provides students with the opportunity to take risks and achieve personal challenges, while at the same time focuses on cooperative behaviour. Most importantly, it is a source of enjoyment and personal fulfilment.

After the isolated year we’ve had, it’s been fantastic to see the students back at school, socialising and playing with their peers.

In Physical Education this term, through various purposeful games and activities, each year level has been exploring the attributes and strategies associated with Teamwork. One of the key words we have discussed is integrity.

The unit aims to promote students to respectfully and confidently express their ideas effectively in the group setting. To also teach students that their voices are respected and valued. Knowing that a student’s voice will be heard helps to build self-confidence while encouraging further participation in physical activity settings. I hope that as a result of working in teams, students genuinely care for each other’s contributions. 

Teamwork also teaches essential communication and social skills, such as active listening and effective speaking. When working as a team, students learn how to listen to each other in order to perform their individual roles and also function as a cohesive unit.


Above all, the students are just having lots of fun away from sitting, a screen or a desk and have enjoyed moving, jumping, skipping and laughing with each other in the sunshine. This is what I love most about Physical Education. It allows such a context where kids are free to be kids.


Some tips on how to teach Teamwork Skills at home:

·       Successful teamwork begins with great communication skills. If you want to teach these skills to your child, lead by example.

·       Listen carefully to what your child says and make sure you communicate with them in a clear, respectful manner.

·       Family activities such as learning a new skill together, jump rope, board games and cooking are great for teaching important social skills such as collaboration, compromise, and respect.


Beth Alvarez

PE teacher