A Reflection - 

Practice the Pause

To begin our term we as a staff gathered in prayer. 

Our focus was 'To Pause'.

The importance, that in these times it is important to practice the pause. 


When in doubt, pause.

When angry, pause.

When tired, pause.

When stressed, pause.

And when you pause, pray.

Each staff member was given a small rock, with a pause symbol (a sideways equals sign) painted on it. They were charged with holding their rock when needed over this term and practice the pause. 


Then at the end of last week I shared this story with the staff...


On the way home (if I finish before 5), get a coffee from maccas and visit my Dad (who loves a hot cappuccino). It is all COVID OK, as he is 83 and I am his carer!

Yesterday, I left at 5:05, so I got two coffees and headed over.

As I got out of the car, I dropped one! 

I arrived to his usual smile and said sorry, only one coffee - he said- no worries  & poured the one we had out between two cups.

As I left 30min later, he said - less coffee but the company was definitely up to its usual high standard.

So if you feel like life has dropped a cup of coffee - focus on the positives of the company around you.

So this weekend - pause - pray and focus on the simple positive joys of life ... just like my dad!

Take care, keep safe and practice the pause,


Jo Cowan

Deputy Principal/Religious Education Leader