
Mt Sturgeon Hiking Adventure

Last weekend was a great weekend to go for a hike, so, we did! Nineteen boarders along with myself and Head of Mac House Gabbi Bensch set off on an adventure. Our destination was to walk the 548m summit of Mount Sturgeon that looks out over Dunkeld.


How lucky we were, great weather, wonderful group of kids who know how to have fun, no technology to distract us, and we had no time frame. We were FREE!


As the day unwound, we came to see some wonderful insights. The way our Year 11s showed leadership, the younger ones chatting with older students (which didn’t stop), it was a feeling like a family of brothers and sisters. All the while, walking up the track that had beautiful views, which was a little challenging at times but mainly due to varying fitness levels. 


It was a great opportunity to stay present and have a break from the many layers of stress everyone has been under of late. To simply be at peace in the moment with friends, eating lollies at the top and take a few photos, the smiles said it all.


To finish the outing, we stopped in Dunkeld for a bite to eat - rounding off a perfect day.


Thank you to everyone who came: hopefully we can visit other amazing parts of the Grampians in the future which are right there in our backyard.


Look out Mt Abrupt, you’re our next summit!

Wannon Falls Trip

Our weekends in the ‘Boardo’ are a balancing act of downtime and activity/sport time. Busy boarders are happy boarders and even with ‘downtime’ adopted it is time to get out and about. Thanks to our MOD Gavan who had taken some boarders out to the Wannon Falls this past weekend. What a great outing, to see some local sights and fresh air.

Jake Andersen (Yr 11), Tom Hutchings (Yr 9), Eli Hunter (Yr 8) and Ned McArthur (Yr 11)
Jake Andersen (Yr 11), Tom Hutchings (Yr 9), Eli Hunter (Yr 8) and Ned McArthur (Yr 11)

Mask Wearing

This week was the start of our boarders, and the entire school, adopting new measures in prevention of COVID transmission. In times of absolute seriousness and sensibility in how we respect social distancing, hand hygiene and general health, I am so impressed how our boarders can still apply the character strength of humour and playfulness into their life. The wearing of mask has quickly turned into a bit of a fashion trend with the Speirs House boys leading the way. What can I say, boys, you have certainly embraced it without reservation!

Tyler Hateley (Yr 10), Henry Haynes (Yr 10) and Nurse Rachel Vallance
Luca Wagner (Yr 8) and Eli Hunter (Yr 8) posing the new look!
Tyler Hateley (Yr 10), Henry Haynes (Yr 10) and Nurse Rachel Vallance
Luca Wagner (Yr 8) and Eli Hunter (Yr 8) posing the new look!

This weekend’s activities in the boarding house.

Saturday – Fishing


Andrew Monk