Myrniong - ELC to Yr6

Week Ahead

Monday, August 3rd - Sheepvention Local Holiday (Pupil Free Day)

Tuesday, August 4th Parent Teacher Interviews (Phone or Teams) -3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Wednesday, August 5th -Parent Teacher Interviews (Phone or Teams) - 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Thursday, August 5th - Division 4 Hockey Training (3.30 pm to 4.30 pm)

Protocols for Junior School Children with Cold/Flu Symptoms

As we deep dive into Term Three, I feel it timely to explain the important protocols we have in place for students with cold or flu-like symptoms. 

Firstly, we ask that students who have a cough, runny nose, temperature over 37.5, sniffles etc are kept at home and not sent into school. With the threat of COVID 19 front of mind, we are requesting parents make an appointment with a local GP in order to obtain a medical clearance to return to school. In the majority of cases, this will result in the GP administering a COVID 19 swab. Once a negative result is communicated and the symptoms have cleared, the student can return to school. If a student is 9 years of age or older, the WDHS drive through testing clinic can be accessed.  WDHS have advised that siblings are not required to stay home while COVID-19 testing is being done. 

Our Junior School staff are operating under the same protocols. If they have cold or flu-like symptoms, they are staying home and seeking a COVID -19 test. They return once their results come back negative and they are well again.

COVID 19 has certainly been sent to challenge us, and I thank all members of our Junior School community for their ongoing support. Whilst I understand having students tested and home from school can be hugely inconvenient, as a school community we must look to minimise risk at every opportunity.

Early Learning Centre Virtual Information Night

Last Tuesday, Mrs. Frances O’Brien and I presented an Early Learning Centre ‘Virtual Information Evening’ to prospective Piccolo and Piccino families.  Frances did a superb job of unpacking the Reggio approach and sharing how the ELC 3 days and ELC 4 weeks are structured.  She used several excellent film clips that highlighted the deep learning and nurturing culture she and her staff provide . The session was recorded and can be accessed by emailing Registrar Mrs. Susie Holcombe, who will send out a link to interested members of the community.

Artist in Residence and Pizzicato Strings

This week saw the commencement of the Artist in Residence and Pizzicato Strings offerings.  Art teacher Mrs Lisa Addinsall has set Tuesday lunchtimes aside for interested students to visit the Art Room and take part in this year’s project. The students will be making an installation that will be permanently housed in the Junior School. The theme relates to the COVID 19 climate and centres on ‘houses’. This is an exciting project and I very much look forward to the final product.

Division 4 Hockey

The abridged 2020 Hockey Season began on Saturday with four Division 4 matches at Pedrina Park. The sun was shining and it was wonderful to see children playing competitive sport for the first time in a long while. The standard of hockey across all matches was very high. 

College Bandicoots 3 - Demons 1

College Drop Bears 2 - Dunkeld 0

College Tassie Devils 2 - College Numbats 0

Making a Denim Difference

We all know that this year has been very different to anything we could have imagined. The combination of bushfires and the pandemic have seen communities facing challenges beyond belief. Whilst we are faced with such trying times we can stand up and make a difference showing what we value at our school. We can help others.

Whilst we look forward to life returning to normal, we can think about the many children around the world whose ‘normal’ will still include restrictions that affect their daily life. They will hold hope that The Children’s Medical Research Institute find treatments and cures for the genetic diseases they are born with. Their tireless work relies on donations so on Friday 7th August we invite you to take part in Jeans for Genes Day. It will be a casual clothes day but make sure you wear something denim. The more denim the better – double denim, different coloured denim. How creative can you be? Maybe as denimed up as Mr Nelson?

The most important part is to bring a gold coin donation so that we can help those scientists continue their research.

On behalf of all children, we thank you for your support.

Let’s make a denim difference. 

The Red Cross / KidsMatter team


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School