
With much of the focus in the media being on COVID-19, I thought this week it might be refreshing to focus on positive ways to help those around us. My focus over this coming term will be on random acts of kindness.  A random act of kindness in an action that is performed for another, perhaps a stranger or someone you don’t know well, simply to bring that person happiness. Someone who performs a random act of kindness expects nothing in return. Often, the person may not even see the reaction of the person who receives the kindness. During these times of uncertainty, putting a smile on someone else’s face is a way of bringing them some joy, and also feeling good about yourself for your own actions. 

My challenge for the school community; students, staff and families, is to consider how we can all do something for others during this time.  Here are some ideas to get you started….

  • Open the door for someone
  • Smile at a stranger and say hello
  • Write a thank you note to a relative, teacher, friend, coach
  • Pick some flowers for someone who you think needs cheering up
  • Donate books, clothes or toys to charity or someone in need 
  • Mow your neighbour’s lawn 
  • Leave a gift or kind sticky-note for someone

Let’s choose kindness and compassion every day.

Finally, I saw this little saying this week on a social media page, I thought it was very apt at the moment. Whilst we may feel overwhelmed by the events around the world, we can control our behaviours, and rather than our umbrellas, this could be packing our face masks. 

‘You can’t prevent a storm from happening, but you can pack an umbrella.’ 

Kate Couchman

Student Counsellor