Associate Principal, Operations Report

Parent Survey

During the next week, we anticipate sending out a survey to all our parents.  The survey is conducted by Independent Schools Victoria and individual responses are not known to the College; rather, we receive data and unidentified comments.  Conducting a survey regularly is part of the requirements of independent schools set out in the Federal Funding Agreement.


We invite our parents to respond and look forward to receiving the collated data.  This helps us to understand any areas of concern better and also to know what is working really well.  We understand that there have been surveys relating to remote learning and the return to school but we ask you to please take the time to complete this survey when it arrives in your inbox.  A broad response makes the data more valid and valuable.

Boarders and Accommodation

As Dr Hirst has noted, most of our South Australian boarders have chosen to remain at school.  We are in the process of preparing an application for them to be able to return home for the next holidays in September/October and are hopeful that this will be successful.  Nonetheless, knowing we have College families’ support should there be a need to offer accommodation to our SA boarders, will be very reassuring and helpful.


Our international students remain, in most cases, overseas.  This week we have received confirmation that the VCAA has been able to secure VCE examination centres for our Year 12 internationals in mainland China.   Subject to their confirmation by next week, Celine, Leo, Jack and Somi will sit the GAT and their exams in Guangzhou whilst Steven Irence, Evan and Harry will sit at a centre in Beijing.  We are awaiting advice on a centre in Hong Kong for Vicky and Matthew. 


We do have some internationals still with us and also a small number of students from Melbourne. These boarders too might benefit from offers of accommodation should a situation arise where they are needed. 

COVID Reminders

Parents are reminded that it is vital that any student who is exhibiting cold- or flu-like symptoms does not come to school.  Mr Nelson has written below about procedures for Junior School children in such a situation.  For Senior School students so affected, the procedure is simple: get a COVID test and stay home in isolation until you get the all-clear.


Students are reminded to keep washing their hands regularly, to use elbow cough etiquette, to wear a mask when they cannot socially distance, etc.  I ask for parents’ support in encouraging students to follow these protocols, even when they are in school uniform with Mum and Dad at Coles or Woollies! 


Thank you.


Neil MacLean

Associate Principal, Operations