Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Today we finish up Term Two. I am sure that it will be a term we will never forget for many reasons. From a school perspective, while this time has been challenging for many of us there have been many positives that we have taken from the experience. Our staff and students and for many of our parents too, their technology skills have certainly been boosted. The communication between school and our families has significantly improved especially with the use of Class Dojo, Google Classroom, Webex and the independence especially with our younger students, has been astonishing since returning to onsite learning.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your time, effort and persistence this term. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support. There have been many changes that we have all been forced to adhere to and this is something that we are all continuing to adapt to. Unless health advice changes, this new normal will continue next term too. If this changes over the holidays, this will be communicated to families.
We will continue to have staggered finish times, parents will not be able to be onsite and hand washing and sanitizing will continue to play a significant role during the day. The dismissal times will remain the same with Yellow and Red Houses dismissed at 3pm , buses at 3:05pm and Green and Blue House dismissed at 3:15pm.
40km/h Speed Zone
Parents are reminded that school zones have a 40km/h speed limit. We kindly ask that parents adhere to this law ensuring the safety of our children. This applies to both Wilkinson Drive and Coliban Street. Police have recently been in the area monitoring this.
Bus Bay
The Bus Bay recently constructed at the front of the school is restricted to authorised vehicles only. When the Echuca Specialist School comes onsite, there are many buses and authorised cars that will need to access this area throughout the day. We ask that parents do not use this area to pick up or drop off students. We are also asking that students do not use this as a thoroughfare when commuting to and from school on their bikes and scooters.
Smoking is not permitted within or around the school. Smokers are asked to refrain from smoking near the school gates and must be at least 4 metres from any entry or exit point. We kindly ask that cigarette butts are picked up and disposed of responsibly.
Next term we will be extending our recess eating time to ten minutes, this is to support our COVID safe practices.
The revised timetable will look like this:
8.30 - Gates and classrooms are open for students.
8.45 - First bell rings. Please ensure all students are at school by 8.45am.
9.00 - Classroom instruction begins
11.00 - 11.10 - Snack eating time
11.10 - 11.30 - Recess
11.30 - 1.30 - Classroom instruction
1.30 - 1.45 - Lunch eating time
1.45 - 2.15 - Lunch time
2.15 - 3.15 - Classroom instruction
(Red and Yellow houses will continue to be dismissed at 3pm until the Health advice changes)
Next term we will still be hosting assemblies via Webex. We will be moving assemblies to fortnightly. These will happen on the odd week, starting in Week 1. Teachers will award two Student of the Weeks at each assembly.
The Stage Two building works are nearly complete and looking fantastic. Paul Marshall (Principal of Echuca Specialist School) and I have attended a site meeting today and will have training for the new buildings the first week of Term Three. Once this is completed we will have a more informed timeline of when the Co-location will take place. This is a very exciting time for ETRS and ESS. Early next term I look forward to updating the community with the plans for the Co-Location.
The students will be dismissed at the following times today for the end of Term Two:
Red and Yellow house - 2pm
Bus Travellers- 2.10pm
Blue and Green house - 2.15pm
It is great to see so many students back riding bikes or scooters to school. We have noticed that a number of students are not wearing helmets. If your child requires a helmet we do have a number of spares that we can give to students at school. Please contact Anthea if you need a helmet.
As we have returned from remote learning , we have had a number of students beginning to wear black bottoms (eg. track suit pants, shorts or leggings) to school. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform each day. This includes navy blue bottoms and the tops with the school logo on it. If you require support with uniform please don't hesitate to contact us.
Please remember all students require a named drink bottle at school as the bubble taps are not operational. If you require a drink bottle, ETRS drink bottles can be purchased at the office for $5. Parents/Carers can ring the door bell at the front of the school and speak to one of the office staff or call the office and we can arrange for these to be provided to students.
Please check out our new virtual tour on the website.
MSP Photography have completed this for us to support us with prospective enrolments. Please pass this link onto friends and families who may be interested. This link has also been placed on Facebook, please feel free to share it.
Next term's value is: Inclusion
Next week's behaviour focus is: We will share equipment with others.
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and consequently we are fielding an increased number of inquiries about our school.
Have a safe break and we will see you on Monday 13th July.
Kind regards,