Discovery Centre


What a fantastic week we had in the Discovery Centre celebrating Foundation's 100th Day of School! We hope you had a wonderful day celebrating and completing all of the fun activities for our 100th Day! Students completed a writing task about what they'd do if they had $100 and what they wish they had 100 of. Some of the students wished they had 100 dogs or 100 toys and others wanted to eat 100 icy-poles or lollies. Students also got to play the game Race to 100 and complete a special 100 days of school workout challenge where they completed 100 exercises to celebrate 100 days! 


In Literacy students completed creative writing about who might live behind the mysterious door on the tree in our courtyard at school. It is great to see students having a go at writing independently and to see them start using the codes to help them sound out words. Don't forget each teacher has uploaded videos of the codes so that students can continue to practise them regularly at home. When learning onsite we practise codes every day! 



In Mathematics we focused on place value and understanding that numbers are made up of tens and ones. Students were introduced to 'bundles' of ten icy pole sticks to represent tens and single icy pole sticks to represent ones. It was fantastic to see students using these bundles to represent different numbers to show their understanding of place value. 


Choosing Board

The Choosing Board continues to be a favourite for students and allows students a variety of choice in their learning learning. Last week we saw lots of students completing a STEM challenge to make chairs for their toys, look for character strengths in a character and complete an A-Z scavenger hunt. 


Thank you for your flexibility around the changes we have made to small group sessions this week to conduct assessment with our students. Each child has been allocated a 30 minute time slot to complete English assessment (it may not take the full 30 minutes). If you have not received a time via Sentral please contact your child's teacher. These assessments will allow us to better cater to each child's learning as we continue with remote learning. Please note there will be no whole class Google Meet on Wednesday or Thursday this week, check ins will be uploaded to Seesaw.


  • Optional STEM Lessons each day;
  • Tuesday: our whole school Maths Morning, all families are encouraged to join;
  • Wednesday: photograph competition closes;
  • Wednesday 10:30 – 10:45 – students can join our Live Q&A session with Vanessa, a marine biologist, learn about her job and ask any questions they might have!


  • One on one English assessments to be carried out on Wednesday and Thursday, check ins uploaded to Seesaw on these days
  • No small group Google Meet due to assessment for this week only

Student Voice

What was your favourite part of our 100 Days of School celebration? 

Nicole FD - "I like the Choosing Board"

Marley FD - "My favourite thing was exercising with all the teachers online"

Tattva FD - "My favourite activity was making the crown"

Donovan FD - "My favourite part was the activity booklet"

Pupil of the Week

FD: Princess T -

For working so hard on our 100 Days of School! You showed a enthusiasm and a love of learning when completing lots of different activities to celebrate your 100th day of school! Amazing work Princess! 


FG: Arnab P -

For demonstrating perseverance when working hard to use the dotted thirds in your hand writing. You should be extremely proud of your efforts. Well done Arnab.


FH: Hanley F -

For demonstrating a love of learning by having a go at Maths challenges that are set to extend your thinking! Keep up the fantastic work Hanley!


FJ: Liam W -

For demonstrating perseverance when writing about what you think could be living behind the tree house door. You worked hard to sit your letters on the baseline and use 2 finger spacing between your words. Keep up the great effort Liam!