Independence Centre


Happy ‘STEM Week’ to everyone, we have so many exciting things happening this week, hopefully you and your family can get involved in some of them! 

It was so lovely to be able to see so many families last Friday in our Senior Q&A session, we hope you found it as valuable as we did. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your classroom teacher on Sentral.



  • Optional STEM Lessons each day;
  • Tuesday: our whole school Maths Morning, all families are encouraged to join;
  • Wednesday: photograph competition closes;
  • Wednesday 12:00 – students can join our Live Q&A session with Laura Reid, learn about her job and ask any questions they might have!

Student Engagement:

We have introduced verbal feedback notes to students on their daily slides as a way to promote student engagement and interaction. We have asked that students listen and read their feedback to provide them with ways to improve or suggestions to challenge themselves in upcoming sessions. It would be much appreciated if you could ask your children to check that they have received feedback each day.



During Literacy sessions last week, students had the opportunity to practice their ‘Show, don’t tell’ strategy by describing the way a character feels using the five senses. This encourages readers to infer how characters are feeling and engage with our writing on a deeper level. It was fantastic to see students respond to feedback from their teachers and up-level their narrative stories by adding punctuation, engaging openers, “WOW Words” and use a variety of connectives. Your child might even like to practice reading their narrative with you so they can share it in our daily Zooms next week! 



Last week in Maths, we continued to delve into the four processes, in particular division and multiplication. We learnt what to do if a number does not divide evenly and we have remainders or parts ‘left over’. In addition, students completed assessments for multiplication and division – this will help teachers plan lessons at the exact point of need for students across our level in the coming weeks. The favourite maths session this week for students was definitely figuring out which teacher stole the cookie, during our problem solving session – students needed to eliminate suspects until they had one thief left!



Students are so engaged in our SkillMasterz sessions each week and we appreciate your support in guiding students where to find the materials and equipment they might need. Make sure you ask your child to show you what they are learning each week, there are some pretty amazing skills being mastered across the level!


We thank you for your ongoing support and feedback, 

From your 3/4 Teachers :)

Week 5 Survey: 

Here are some of the results from our weekly 3/4 survey. We make changes each week based on the student feedback and responses. The feedback they provide is so valuable and it is powerful for students to see their responses acknowledged and changes made to best support their learning.

Student Voice

Ethan 3/4M - “My favourite part about this week was science” 

Jenny 3/4R - “I loved reading our class novel” 

Ann Marie 3/4G - “I loved absolutely everything this week!” 

Simeon 3/4K - “I enjoyed doing SkillMasterz this week!” 

Ivy 3/4D - “I have been finding my short division tricky in a good way” 


  • Handwriting packs are at the front of the school and available for pickup during school hours
  • Zooms start at 9am
  • Masterclass Zooms: Daily at 10:30 for support, extension and everything in between!
  • If your child will be absent from learning or Zoom sessions, please notify your classroom teacher or the office as usual
  • Stick to the suggested durations for subjects each day

Pupil of the Week

3/4D:  Shashank G -

Great work on using the strength of Humour during remote learning. It is great to see you being so positive when working through your Essential Assessment tasks! 


3/4G: Tara J -

For using your ‘show, don’t tell’ skills to describe how characters were feeling in your writing this week. You should be so proud of the effort you put in and how much improvement you have made! Keep up the amazing effort, Tara!!


3/4K: Matthew K -

For your persistence and confidence when challenging yourself with division tasks. You are putting in so much effort and showing all of your working out, your hard work does not go unnoticed Matthew! Keep up the amazing work!! 


3/4M: Edith I -

For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when using the strategy 'show, don't tell' in her Narrative Free Write. You had me hooked in the first few lines with the way you described the scene. Well done, Edith!


3/4R: Jamieson K -

For demonstrating his working out when completing multiplication and division problems. It is great to see your thought process and the different strategies you use down on paper. Keep up the awesome effort, Jamieson!