From the Desk of the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers, Staff and Students, and Friends of Mount Alvernia College


A Day in the Life of the Principal of Mount Alvernia

Thursday 30 July 2020



Thursday began as usual with family chores and organisation to be managed before my husband’s carer arrived.  I ignored Bessie, the dog, with her sad eyes and mournful sounds as she waited for her breakfast that wasn’t forthcoming as she was scheduled to go to the vet’s for another expensive x-ray, which could indicate a problem with her liver. With her in the front seat we battled the traffic on Waterworks Road and arrived at the vet on time.  Sadly, Bess wasn’t keen on going inside; her tail was down, and she gazed longingly towards the door.


I arrived at school in time for the Meet the Principal session with prospective parents. They were keen to find out as much as possible about the College and they had lots of questions.  I was interested in why they chose Mt A as their school of choice and, as I have come to expect, it was through word of mouth from parents, along with the students – present and past - with whom they had come in contact.  Relationships are usually the reason parents send their daughters to us.  I spoke to this group about the importance of understanding the uniqueness of each of our students and, as I have often remarked, “This College is not a sausage factory”, as we ensure each student achieves their unique goals in their own way.


As part of the academic mentoring process, members of the Leadership Team are meeting with Year 12 students to look at their progress and today, after the session with prospective parents, I had the privilege of meeting with a Year 12 student who had managed to improve her results in all subjects from a C standard to an A in all but one area.  Of course, I asked her for the secret and her response was no surprise -“Lots of study and hard work”.  She was so proud of herself, as was I, and it was also no surprise that this particular young woman was awarded a Gold Academic Award on Assembly.

During Assembly, students who have achieved, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Participation Awards were recognised, and the Spirit of Assisi Awards were presented to staff and students.  The highlight of the Assembly was the history lesson that Ms Little presented on the lessons of the Battle of Thermopylae.  As you know I love history, especially teaching and learning about the lessons that history has for us.  In this instance it was the importance of perseverance.  I was very proud of all the awardees as I know their families will be as well.


Then I appeared in a promotional video we are making, playing the piano while the girls sang – lots of fun.  I can’t wait to see the finished product.


As the day closed, a parent came to discuss concerns that she had, and I was able to reassure her, I hope, that this is a normal part of young women growing up.  As the mother of four and grandmother of five, it’s clear that all families have their ups and downs.


Then I sat down to write this.  It’s been a big day and now I am off to the vet to see how Bessie is, and more importantly to pay the bill!!!


Thanks, as always for your support of all that we do at the College and I will miss that next year.


Pax et bonum

Kerrie Tuite
