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Year 11 Incursion: National Trust Costume Collection - July 12
The Year 11 Fashion Design class had the rare opportunity to be visited by a curator from the National Trust Costume Collection to learn about the history of clothing. The class was able to learn and interact with garments that were decades old and represented the period of time in which they were made. It was both an interesting and informative experience.
Olivia. F
Product Design and Technologies Student
Year 10 English Incursion - July 18th
I enjoyed the dramatised Crucible performance that was presented to the Year 10 cohort.
It gave me a better understanding of what the story was about as it was visually presented and appealed more interesting.
The actors did an amazing job of getting into character and each played their roles in a way that the viewer could be intrigued by what was presented. It was nice to see that the audience was able to get involved as after each scene the play would be paused and we were given time to take in what happened and to share. This gave us a variety of perspectives and helped us perceive the story differently.
There were scenes that made us laugh, scenes that made us feel sympathy, and many scenes that made us think, but overall it was a very fun and unique experience.
Alessia. W
Year 10 Student
Dante Alighieri Italian Poety Finals - July 21st
Today our Italian students went to Melbourne University to participate in the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Final against other students also participating in the competition.
This is an annual competition for students studying Italian in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Students are required to select and memorise an Italian poem and present it to a judge focusing on their memorisation, pronunciation, intonation & delivery with meaning.
Non Italian Section - Finalist: Hailey Year 9.
In bocca al lupo Hailey!!
Year 9 Shrine of Remembrance Excursion - July 19th
On July 19 all Year 9 students visited the Shrine of Remembrance. While the primary purpose was to gather information about the Australian experience of World War I, it was also a chance to pause and commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australians in all wars.
Volunteer guides led the students through the different galleries, telling stories of particular soldiers. Out in the gardens, the memorials for different wars and individuals were also examined. But perhaps the highlight of the day was the opportunity to participate in the commemoration of the 107th anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles.
Also present at the service were family members of 7 World War I soldiers recently identified in France. A wreath was laid during the service on behalf of the entire Killester community and the students were able to place poppies at the Cobbers statue.
Lest We Forget
Ms Dunstan
Year 11 Community Service - July 20th
This semester Year 11 students began community service at St Vinnies Shop in Springvale. This opportunity connects our students to the heart of our mission and reflects the Killester values of Justice, Service, and ”Walking in Solidarity” with our most vulnerable. Participating in this outreach program empowers our students to shape a more compassionate society through their contribution to service. Students complete a number of duties including sorting donations, stacking shelves with goods and window dressing.
Well done Year 11 students!
Amelia M
Year 11 Student
Whole School Assembly - July 20th
On Thursday 20th of July, during the first period, we had an assembly to present a guest speaker on The Voice.
We began with Murrindindi, who has a close relationship with several of our students, to do the Welcome to Country. Wearing a traditional Indigenous robe he took us through an authentic welcome and spoke about his experiences as a young man. He did not read or write until he was thirty-nine years old. The importance of education, understanding our past, and reconciliation was emphasised.
Unfortunately, our guest speaker was running late after being held up in traffic. We were lucky enough to have Scott Darlow, a proud indigenous man who was to perform for the Year Twelve students, come early and saved the day. He performed a couple of his songs and spoke about his experiences. He emphasized that no matter who we are or where we came from we are all Australians with a shared history that goes back 65,000 years. We were all boat people apart from the original inhabitants. He spoke (and sang) with such passion and enthusiasm about our unity and that the Voice was a chance to acknowledge our First Nations people and move forward with empathy and compassion. If you would like to see or listen to more about Scott then I urge you to go to his website. Here is the link.
PS - he has a new single out!
I spoke to my drama class after his performance and asked what they noticed. One student commented on his stage presence and another felt like he was speaking directly to her. I had to wait outside the glass doors for the guest speaker to arrive and I could feel his intensity and warmth from outside the hall.
Over the next weeks and months, we will be providing information in support of The Voice. I hope you can become informed and think carefully about the referendum and that the Spirit of God moves us in the right direction.
Peter O’Neill
Assistant Principal: Faith and Mission
10 Year Reunion - July 23rd
Last Sunday we welcomed back graduates from the Class of 2013 for afternoon tea and a tour of the College. Although it has only been ten years since they last saw the College, much had changed! They were able to walk through our newly built St Brigid Senior Leaning Centre, Kennedy Hall, Tullow Building and the Atrium. Amongst the new buildings and areas there were still plenty of areas that they recognised and were able to walk down memory lane together.
We look forward to welcoming Class of 1973 & 1983 on October 22nd.
Loreto Cannon
AP: Engagement, Operations and Community
Year 10 Rollerama Excursion - July 25th
Throughout this week, the Year 10 cohort took turns roller-skating at Caribbean Rollerama for HEPE. Many of the students had never roller skated before, so it was nice to see my peers learn how to skate within only two hours! The experience was so fun as we were able to learn how to roller-skate whilst having fun with our friends.
Charlotte T
Year 10 Student
Music Soiree - July 25th
Our fourth and final music soiree for this month was held on July 25, with fifteen students presenting a great range of music. It was lovely to see so many school friends come to cheer their mates on, alongside family members.
Congratulations to all our performers and a special thanks to the lovely Eliza E for buying flowers for all of them.
Ms Addis
Music Leader
Wellsprings - July 25th
We have started back at Wellsprings for Term Three and rather than report on the activities and service of the students I will let them speak for themselves.
Called "computer whizzes" by Mr. O'Neil, we headed inside the computer class at Wellsprings for Women. There my partner and I partook in assisting women in setting up a slideshow, from inserting new slides to creating shapes and colouring them. The women there were all wonderful and were grateful for our help. For arriving late and not bringing the correct stationery, some of the women, the teacher, my partner, and I danced for three minutes together, and although labeled as a 'punishment', we all had a blast. - Ariel. S
Today we visited Wellsprings and helped women with learning English, cooking, using technology, and playing with the children. We also helped to translate and assist them with filling out a form. After that, we helped package containers of kheer (rice pudding) to cater to over 100 people. The kheer tasted wonderful, and the volunteers were lovely.
Overall, this was a memorable experience because we saw women who were our parents' age, studying at Wellsprings, for a better future. - Jackie and Dona
If you would like to know more about “Wellsprings” and the course and services they offer here is a LINK. They are a Kildare Education Ministries partner and follow our Living Justice Living Peace Charter. I have included photos of their patron, Nano Nagle, who worked tirelessly for disadvantaged women. These opportunities for our students give us the chance to live out the action of “Walking in Solidarity” and to “Lead with Courage” which links so well with our school theme this year. Thank you to all students who have volunteered and to their parents who have given them permission to attend.
Year 12 Religious Education Community Service - July 25th
Last term the Year 12 RE classes commenced community service with the students and teachers at St Joseph's. This program has continued into this term. The students have delighted in undertaking reading, writing, numeracy, games and puzzles with students across the school, whilst also assisting the teachers.
We are very proud of the way they are representing the College.
The Year 12 RE Team
CGSAV AFL - July 25th
Thursday 20th July, Killester College sent a Junior, Intermediate and Senior team to Parkville to participate in the CGSAV AFL competition. Our teams had a fantastic day out, showcasing great teamwork, working together during the games and supporting our teams throughout the day.
Our Intermediate and Junior teams competed exceptionally well throughout the day and narrowly missed finals. Whilst our Senior team made the Grand Final on the day.
A big thank you and congratulations to all of the staff and students involved.
Miss Roberts
Sports Leader
Passion for Production - July 27th
The entire production team is working incredibly hard preparing for Killester's musical, Disney's "The Little Mermaid".
Year 9 Wonder students have joined this great team with their "Passion for Production" project. These students are making props, preparing wigs and editing the program. Thursdays are a hive of activity as these dedicated students work with passion and enthusiasm to make & create...check out these behind-the-scenes photos.
Ms Brunt
Wonder Teacher & Production Team
National Tree Day - July 28th
National tree day is important because trees clean the air we breathe by taking in negative pollutants. These pollutants can harm our health as well as other plants and animals. On national tree day, we plant trees to help our environment and to have fun with others while planting. (Annabelle)
On Thursday the 27th of July, the Year 11 VCE Vocational Major Students participated in planting a tree for National Tree Day. It was a good day to go out and do some digging and planting because it was a sunny day. The tree we planted was a native tree and it grows three metres high. Before the gardening, we had to choose where we had to plant the two trees near the flag posts in the garden. (Jesela)
Before we planted the tree, the class discussed what type of tree we would like to choose, why we chose it and where to plant it. We chose to plant near the flag post to acknowledge the Indigenous people and to appreciate them for living in our country.
Overall we did a very good job planting the native tree and participated in National Tree Day to create a more livable school community. (Chelsea)
Winter School Uniform Fitting - Ongoing
Killester College
Belgravia Apparel is pleased to offer personalized winter uniform fitting appointments at our Dandenong School Uniform Store
Book your fitting via the link below
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to view our range, view store trading hours or shop online.