Prep Area

Sam Micallef, Rowena Lytton and Elena Grande

Prep Writing

The end of last term was very busy in the Prep Area! In Writing, the prep students took part in lots of fun and engaging language experiences that lead to some fantastic writing. We read 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and used out STEM skills to create a bridge strong enough to hold a stapler and made yummy jelly! All of the students were engaged in their learning and had lots of fun! 


The Preps have been busy learning all about patterns. We have explored, colour, shape, object and simple number patterns. All students have been extremely engaged in learning our new maths model and seem to be enjoying the Peter Sullivan approach. 


One of the problems we explores was 'I went to the supermarket and bought some fruit. When I got home, I dropped the bag and the fruit when everywhere. If you turned the fruit into a pattern, what could it look like?'


Check out some of the patterns below! 


Fire Fighter Visit! 

This Wednesday, we had our second visit from the Pascoe Vale Fire Brigade. We have patiently been waiting for this to happen, as at our last visit, they fire fighters were called to a real life emergency! 


We learnt what to do if our clothes caught on fire (stop, drop, cover, roll), spoke about our safe meeting places and then got to visit the truck, use the hoses and climb into the truck and have a look around! 



Crazy Hair Day!

The Prep students had a blast on Crazy Hair Day! Thank you to all of the parents and family members who assisted in the crazy hair creations! 

Science Works Excursion

The Prep students are off to their second excursion later this term! This term we are going to Science Works. All students should have brought home a permission note in Week 1, however attached is a spare. 

Prep Curriculum Newsletter - Term 3