Wellbeing & Engagement 

Mr James Gagliardi 


Earlier this year we applied for a grant through the Essendon Fields Community Grants program and we were successful in receiving a grant for money that was used to purchase the wonderful fencing that has allowed us to create a dedicated garden space that you would've noticed was constructed not long ago. 


We have also been working in partnership with Bunning's Coburg's Community Activities Organiser Stephanie and her team who came out last week with a donation of a truckload of vegie soil and her amazing team of hard workers who helped fill our garden beds.


Stephanie will be returning to our school at the beginning of Spring to run some seedling planting incursions and we are very lucky that Bunnings will be donating plants, student gloves and other small tools to help our students utilise and look after this great space.


In the mean time, we will be looking at ways to decorate and further setup this Community space. Look out in the next newsletter for a JSC Run 'name the space' competition!


Last week we launched our new student lunch clubs which will be run throughout the week. These clubs are a great opportunity for our students to engage with others and make new friends while also giving our lunch club leaders opportunities to develop their leadership. 


You may wish to check in with your child to get feedback about which clubs they're interested in participating in and go through the timetable below together.