Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane 

Term 3


Welcome Back to Term 3!


I hope you all have had a lovely winter break. I am sure many parents are excited for their children to be back at school ( yes, I can hear the cheers!).


This term is going to be extremely busy as we have a great deal of special events happening - so please keep a check on your compass notifications and the calendar of events. 


Thank you for ensuring that your children are arriving to school on time and ready for their soft start from 8.50-9.00am. This is an important part of the morning routine to come in and unpack and have time to prepare for learning. This is also a time for children to be social with their peers. 


Just a reminder that it is a parents responsibility in getting primary aged children to school on time. 


PVNPS iNewsletter 


Here is the first look of our new newsletter. We needed a change to make our newsletter more friendly, more functional for you to view the different pages, easier to navigate and to have a new look for our school.


You can simply scroll through each page of the newsletter or click on the tab of the section you most want to read.


We hope you like this format and if you have any ideas on what you would also like to see in our newsletter, please send in your ideas.




Our Year 5/6's Teachers and students went off to camp at Alexandra, last Monday-Wednesday. I wanted to express my gratitude to my staff for their enthusiasm and willingness to attend camp and make this experience so enjoyable and memorable for our students. Alexandra Adventure Resort was a new camp for our school and we received many positive comments about it and so we will try to rebook for 2025 ( yes we will endeavour to get a booking in warmer weather).

The photo below shows them all on their last night enjoying a bonfire and toasting marshmallows.


Three Way Conferences:

Thank you to the many families who attended our 3WC this Thursday. This was a great opportunity for strengthening our partnership for your children and our students.  Working together with clear communication involving the students shows unity and is focused on their growth and overall improvement.  

If you didn't make an appointment and would like to discuss your child's education, please send your teacher an email to make a suitable time.


Our Garden

Thanks to Mr Gagliardi for his passion and effort is establishing our school garden. The support from a community grant and with the amazing donations from Bunnings has made this possible.  We look forward to the beginning of student groups to undertake some plantings and we may even be able to share some produce in time to come.


Whole School Assembly

Our whole school assemblies are now every fortnight - odd weeks. This week we have a newsletter as it is Week Two. Next week will be Week three, and therefore an assembly.

New to our assembly will be a segment called 'Just a Joke'. This is where students can find a good joke to write up and put into the joke box at my office. Then they might get chosen to tell this joke themselves at the assembly. 


Creating more fun, having a positive time and giving more time to students and getting them to do more public speaking is my goal. 


Also humour and having a laugh makes us feel good - good endorphins!




COMPASS is our portal for many things - attendance is one of these.  Thank you to the families who already use this on a daily basis for your child's absence.

I am asking that all families no start to enter your child's absence from school, before school starts. The teacher will see this as they mark their daily roll.  

We have new template for families who will be taking students out of school for a holiday. This form will need to be completed and handed in at the office.  You can get them from the office and fill them in at the same time. I have attached it to this newsletter as well for your convenience.


Screen Time:

Technology is essential in todays world for work, pleasure and communication -  but at what cost?  I have attached an article of information I have found to help reduce the effects of screen time on children's bodies and their posture.

Check out the article below.