Library News

CBCA Book Week 2023 – Read, Grow, Inspire

During Book Week 2023 - 21st-25th August all students are encouraged to visit our Beaumaris Secondary library where shortlisted books from the Older and Younger reader categories will be showcased and ready to borrow. 

Fashion - New books on trend and featured in our Beaumaris Secondary Library 

9 HEADS – A Guide to Drawing Fashion by Nancy Riegelman 

This new and expanded fourth edition of 9 Heads is a detailed reference guide to drawing all kinds of modern fashion garments, silhouettes and constructional design details. The book contains a wide range of fashion details that are the components of modern fashion garments. 


In this new edition 9 Heads Media has featured:

  • Over 1000 new drawings featuring the latest fashion garments. 
  • Detailed new step-by-step diagrams and instructions for the view of the croquis, now including back three-quarter view.
  • New step-by-step breakdowns for drawing skirts, pants, dresses, jackets and other fashion garments.
  • New step-by-step diagrams for the S-curve pose – one of the most popular but challenging fashion poses.
  • New breakdowns for drawing the hair, eyes and mouth.
  • A new chapter on Composition and Fashion Shorthand shows how to compose groups of garments for portfolios and presentations and how to record and communicate fashion ideas when time is limited.
  • A complete set of tutorials on how to best use Photoshop in fashion drawing. 
The Art of Manipulating Fabric by Colette Wolff 

This book shows the myriad possibilities for three-dimensional manipulation of fabric – gathering, pleating, tucking, shirring, and quilting woven materials. Penguin Random House writes that this book is an encyclopedia of techniques that resurface, reshape, restructure, and reconstruct fabric. It includes over 350 diagrams and photo galleries aiding visual understanding of technique. 

World of the Book Exhibition

Exhibition Dates - 01 April 2023 until 12 May 2024
Time: 10.00am-6.00pm

Beaumaris Secondary families and students take yourselves along to this one-of-a-kind exhibition at The State Library of Victoria which charts the history of book design, production and illustration, from the Middle Ages to today.


The State Library writes: The World of the Book exhibition features more than 300 rare, remarkable, and historically significant items in the State Collection, uncovering the unique stories they tell and celebrating the unique place books have in our hearts and minds.


This year’s themes explore books and ideas; books and imagination; art and nature; artists and books; and Egyptology, in honour of the 100th anniversary of the opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb.


The exhibition features early editions of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, rare editions of Through the Looking-glass and What Alice Found There, and works by pioneering 18th century mathematician Émilie du Châtelet.


Students and their families can also discover books on astronomy from as far back as 336 CE, the world of shadow puppetry and artist books designed to be literally unreadable.

Learn more about World of the Book.



Student ID Cards

A reminder to all students that your Compass Student ID card is also your library card. Please bring your student ID card to the library when you would like to borrow.

A reminder to all students that your Compass Student ID card is also your library card. Please bring your student ID card to the library when you would like to borrow.

Book Club 2023

Book Club for 2023 is up and running. Year 7 and new students are welcome to visit the library if they would like to join. Book Club runs at lunch time every week on Wednesday.

 Library Opening Hours 

Make your way up to S3 on the Southern level! 

Monday - Thursday 


The library is open at recess and lunchtime.


Happy Reading!


Niamh McPhelimy 

Library Manager